otranton. 奧特蘭托(海峽名)
Otranto 奧特朗托;奧特蘭托;海峽;Otranto Strait 奧特朗托海峽;Strait of Otranto 奧特朗托海峽;The Castle of Otranto 奧特朗托城堡;奧藍托城堡;奧特朗托堡;奧特蘭托堡;Cattedrale di Otranto 主教堂;
1.As a matter of fact, that is what takes me down there now. That is where the Otranto was wrecked about six months ago. 作為重要事實,那就是我為什麼現在要去那兒的原因。
2.William Cran, an award-winning documentary film-maker, was born in Australia in 1946 and came to this country as a small boy on the SS Otranto. 威廉·克倫,一位備受讚譽的紀錄片製作人,於1946年出生在澳大利亞,並在他還是個小男孩時乘坐奧特朗托號來到了這個國家。
3.A region of southeast Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea, Strait of Otranto, and Gulf of Taranto. Its southern portion forms the heel of the Italian . boot… 意大利東南部的一個地區,以亞得裡亞海,奧特朗托海峽及塔蘭托海灣為邊界。其南部形成了意大利。靴子。的鞋後跟。