pepern. 胡椒
Peper 胡椒粉;脫離了航線,斜航,橫行;胡椒;chili peper 紅椒;Jaborandi peper 耶僕蘭胡椒;T Peper 拉丁爵士;Cruncky Peper 橘色或紅色的燈籠椒;
1.Peper and salt are condiments. 胡椒和食鹽是調味品。
2.The conventional design method of external gear shaper cotter is improved in this peper. The design efficiency is greatly developed, and the design time is shortened 2/
3. 本文對外齒輪插齒刀常規設計方法加以改進,克服了常規設計的試湊法,使設計效率大大提高,設計時間縮短2/3左右。
3.In this peper BNF was used to induce the formal grammar rules of general G cede, and furthermore a practical algorithm block diagram for its lexical and syntactic analysis was provided. 本文通過對一般形式G碼用巴科斯範式表示法,歸納出其形式文法規則,並對其規則的詞法分析和語法分析給出了實際算法框圖。