





n. atmospheric static ,atmosphericsa. electrostatic ,inactive ,stable ,unchanging


static['stætik]adj. 靜態的;[物]靜電的;靜力的n. [物]靜電;靜電干擾


static 靜力學;靜止的;靜態;靜態的;static friction 靜摩擦;靜磨擦;靜摩擦力;靜滑動摩擦力;static electricity 靜電;靜位覺;靜電學;靜電,靜電學;static analysis 靜態分析;靜力分析;靜校正分析;靜態分析 靜的解析;static measurement 靜態測量;靜態測定;靜態測量,靜態測量;靜態量測;


1.This view shows a static page. 該視圖顯示一個靜態頁面。

2.A nearby supernova might come through as a burst of static. 鄰近的超新星可能聽起來就像一陣天電爆叢;

3.See the Static Initialization section in the Rationale appendix for more information. 更多信息請見基本原理附錄中的靜態初始化一節。


n. static mark - 固定記號

multiple stimili static perimetry - 多點靜的視野計檢查法

static symptom - 表態症狀

static sense - 靜位覺

static work - 靜力作業

static pressure; staticpressure - 靜力壓

static equilibrium - 靜力平衡

n. static bending strength - 靜力彎曲強度

musclesetting exericse; static exercise - 靜力運動

musclesetting exercise; static exercise - 靜力鍛煉

static electrometer - 靜力靜電計

static pressure; staticpressure - 靜壓強

n. static recovery - 靜回收

n. static strain measuring device - 靜應變測定器

n. static strain measuring device - 靜應變測量裝置

n. static strain ageing - 靜應變老化

n. static bending strength - 靜彎曲強度

static demography - 靜態人口學

static work - 靜態作業

static regeneration - 靜態再生

static splitting - 靜態分流

static parameter - 靜態參數

static bipolar memory - 靜態雙極存儲器

static compliance value - 靜態聲順值

static anisocoria - 靜態性瞳孔不等

n. static extrusion - 靜態擠壓

static imaging - 靜態顯像

static method - 靜態法

static coating method - 靜態塗漬法

static biology - 靜態生物學

passive symptom; static symptom - 靜態症狀

n. static accuracy test - 靜態精度檢查

n. static accuracy test - 靜態精度試驗

static inductive effect - 靜態誘導效應

static effect of conjugation - 靜態軛效應

resting electric potential; resting potential; static potential - 靜息電位

static tremor - 靜止性震顫

static phase - 靜止相

n. static water drop test - 靜水降試驗

n. static quenching - 靜淬火法

static hold-up - 靜滯留

n. static mark - 靜特性

static electricity - 靜電

static field mass spectrometer - 靜電場質譜計

n. static mark - 靜電曝光的斑痕

static apparatus; static electricity machine - 靜電治療機

n. static mark - 靜電符號

static figure - 靜象

high-voltage static therapy apparatus - 高壓靜電治療機


n.高壓靜電治療機 - high-voltage static therapy apparatus

n.多點靜的視野計檢查法 - multiple stimili static perimetry

n.准靜態的 - quasi static

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