bedgen. 徽章;標記
bedge 徽章;標記;A SOA bedge upon enrolment 參加者先獲贈坐井會徽章一個;arming badge bedge emblem ensign insignia regalia totem 徽章;
1.Thanks brother's comment! This blade has the factory bedge of German Solingen. 謝兄賜教!此刀的刀條上有德國索林根的廠徽。
2.Far from the comforable image of birds singing away in British gardens and swimming on ponds, humble bedge sparrows are cheating on their mates and coots are killing their young! 遠離鳥兒們在英國花園中歡歌及在池塘上空戲水購樂學的美麗圖景,野籬雀卻正欺騙他們購樂學的配偶、白骨頂正虐殺它們購樂學的幼小!
3.Far from the comforable image of birds singing away in British gardens and swimming on ponds, humble bedge sparrows are cheating on their mates and coots are killing their young! 遠離鳥兒們在英國花園中歡歌及在池塘上空戲水的美麗圖景,野籬雀卻正欺騙他們的配偶、骨頂正虐殺它們的幼小!