





n. adrenal gland ,suprarenal gland


adrenal[ə'dri:nəl]adj. 腎上腺的n. 腎上腺


adrenal 腎上腺的;腎上腺;腎旁的;腎上腺的 英文:;Adrenal cortex 腎上腺皮質;副腎皮質;腎上腺皮質;釋義:腎上腺皮質;adrenal apoplexy 腎上腺性卒中;釋義:腎上腺卒中;adrenal hormone 腎上腺激素;釋義:腎上腺激素;Adrenal Androgens 腎上腺雄激素;


1.What is an adrenal adenoma? 什麼是腎上腺腫瘤?

2.Licorice supports the adrenal glands. 甘草支持腎上腺功能。

3.Objective To study the CT diagnostic value of adrenal tumor. 目的探討CT對腎上腺腫瘤的診斷價值。


cah; congenital adrenal hyperplasia - 先天性腎上腺增生

congenital adrenal hyperplasia - 先天性腎上腺增生症

congenital adrenal virillism - 先天性腎上腺男性化

adrenal ectomized; adrenalectomized - 切除腎上腺的

iatrogenic adrenal cortical insufficiency - 醫原性腎上腺皮質功能不全

adrenal rest tumor; lipoid cell tumor of ovary - 卵巢腎上腺殘餘瘤

primary adrenal cortical hypofunction - 原發性腎上腺皮質功能減退

pituitary adrenal system - 垂體腎上腺系統

acute adrenocortical crisis; addisonian crisis; adrenal crisis - 急性腎上腺皮質危象

mixed adrenal disease - 混合性腎上腺病

idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia - 特發性腎上腺增生症

adrenal; adrenal gland; glandula suprarenalis; suprarenal gland - 腎上腺

adrenal hemorrhage - 腎上腺出血

adrenal insufficiency - 腎上腺功能不全

adrenal dysfunction; dysadrenalism - 腎上腺功能紊亂

embolism of adrenal artery - 腎上腺動脈脈栓塞

adrenal arteriography - 腎上腺動脈造影

adrenal crisis - 腎上腺危象

degeneration of adrenal gland - 腎上腺變性

adrenal cyst - 腎上腺囊腫

adrenal virilism - 腎上腺性男性化

adrenal scanning - 腎上腺掃瞄

adrenal gland scanning agent - 腎上腺掃瞄劑

incision with exploration of adrenal gland - 腎上腺探查術

adrenal gland imaging - 腎上腺顯像

adrenal growth factor - 腎上腺生長因子

adrenal virilism and adreno-genital syndrome - 腎上腺男性化及腎上腺性徵綜合征

adrenal steroids; adrenosterol - 腎上腺甾醇

adrenal tumor; suprarenoma - 腎上腺瘤

adrenal cortex; cortex glandulae suprarenalis - 腎上腺皮質

adrenal cortical hyperplasia; adrenocortical hyperplasia - 腎上腺皮質增生

diffuse hyperplasia of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質瀰漫性增生

adrenal cortex extract - 腎上腺皮質提取物

fascicular zone of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質束狀帶

ach; adrenal cortical hormone; adrenocortical hormone - 腎上腺皮質激素

glomerular zone of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質球狀帶

adrenal cortical steroid - 腎上腺皮質甾醇

adrenal cortical syndrome - 腎上腺皮質綜合征

reticular zone of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質網狀帶

neuroblastoma of adrenal gland - 腎上腺神經母細胞瘤

transplantation of adrenal gland - 腎上腺移植術

adnephrin; adrenal medullary hormone; adrenalin; adrenaline; adrenine; epinephrina; epinephrine; epirenamine; epirenan; paranephrin; sphygmogenin; suprarenaline; suprarenin; tonogen; vasodrine; vasotonin - 腎上腺素

adrenal cell rest tumor - 腎上腺細胞殘跡瘤

adrenal tuberculosis; tuberculosis of adrenal gland - 腎上腺結核

adrenal tumor - 腎上腺腫瘤

excision of adrenal tumor - 腎上腺腫瘤切除術

atrophy of adrenal gland - 腎上腺萎縮

adrenal serum - 腎上腺血清

adrenal weight factor - 腎上腺重量因子

adrenal androgen - 腎上腺雄激素


n.腎上腺缺失 - absence of adrenal

副腎上腺 - accessory adrenal

副腎上腺 - accessory adrenal gland

n.腎上腺澱粉樣變 - amyloid degeneration of adrenal

n.腎上腺血管造影術 - angiography of adrenal

n.腎上腺萎縮 - atrophy of adrenal gland

n.腎上腺產傷 - birth injury of adrenal

n.先天性腎上腺增生,先天性腎上腺增生症 - congenital adrenal hyperplasia

n.先天性腎上腺男性化 - congenital adrenal virillism

n.腎上腺變性 - degeneration of adrenal gland

n.腎上腺皮質瀰漫性增生 - diffuse hyperplasia of adrenal cortex

n.異位腎上腺 - ectopic adrenal

n.腎上腺動脈脈栓塞 - embolism of adrenal artery

n.腎上腺腫瘤切除術 - excision of adrenal tumor

n.腎上腺外的 - extra adrenal

n.腎上腺皮質束狀帶 - fascicular zone of adrenal cortex

腎上腺皮質功能檢查 - function test of adrenal cortex

n.腎上腺皮質球狀帶 - glomerular zone of adrenal cortex

n.醫原性腎上腺皮質功能不全 - iatrogenic adrenal cortical insufficiency

n.特發性腎上腺增生症 - idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia

n.腎上腺探查術 - incision with exploration of adrenal gland

n.感染性腎上腺變性 - infective degeneration of adrenal

腎上腺下動脈 - inferior adrenal artery

n.腎上腺惡性嗜鉻細胞瘤 - malignant pheochromocytoma of adrenal

n.腎上腺轉移性腫瘤 - metastatic tumor of adrenal

n.混合性腎上腺病 - mixed adrenal disease

n.腎上腺神經母細胞瘤 - neuroblastoma of adrenal gland

n.腎上腺壞死 - necrosis of adrenal

n.腎上腺嗜鉻母細胞瘤 - pheochromoblastoma of adrenal

n.腎上腺嗜鉻細胞瘤 - pheochromocytoma of adrenal

n.腎上腺髓質嗜鉻細胞瘤 - pheochromocytoma of adrenal medulla

n.垂體腎上腺系統,重體腎上腺皮質系統 - pituitary adrenal system

壓迫性腎上腺腫瘤 - pressure adrenal tumor

n.原發性腎上腺皮質功能減退 - primary adrenal cortical hypofunction

n.腎上腺皮質網狀帶 - reticular zone of adrenal cortex

n.腎上腺梅素 - syphilis of adrenal

n.腎上腺移植術 - transplantation of adrenal gland

n.腎上腺結核 - tuberculosis of adrenal gland

n.腎上腺靜脈造影術 - venography of adrenal


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