etudesn. 練習曲
Etudes 練習曲;鄉愁;練習曲;學習;Chopin etudes 肖邦練習曲;Douze etudes 首練習曲 (鋼琴);Hautes Etudes commerciales 高等商學院;murray perahia chopin etudes 肖邦24首練習曲;
1.To pianists in late twenty century, these concert etudes should be not only methods for teaching but also essential in concert programs. 在今日,這些音樂會練習曲不但是教學上的重要工具,更是演奏會上的重要曲目之一。
2.These works and etudes not only have a great influence on the cello performance in the late nineteenth century but also play a key role in modern cello development. 這些作品與練習曲,不僅對於十九世紀末的大提琴演奏造成影響,對於現在的大提琴發展更是重要。
3.By the 43rd Taiwan Golden Bell Award short list announced, the director directed the Yang "does not love Etudes" 8 finalists to become the biggest winner, also nominated drama awards
6. 本報訊台灣第43屆金鐘獎入圍名單日前公佈,導演楊雅執導的《不愛練習曲》入圍8項成為最大贏家,劇也入圍6個獎項。