





n. flatulence ,gas pedal ,gaseous state ,gasolenev. blow ,bluster ,boast ,gasconade


GASabbr. 加納科學院(Ghana Academy of Sciences);全身適應綜合症(Goneral Adaption Syndrome)


gas 氣體;胃泌素;瓦斯;汽油.也指體力。;gas mark 焦痕;燒焦;氣紋;焦痕 本文章來自:博研聯盟論壇;Gas chromatography 氣象色譜法;氣相層析;氣相層析,氣相色譜法;氣相色層分析法;gas pipe 煤氣喉管;氣體喉管;瓦斯管;煤氣管;ideal gas 理想氣體;完美氣體;理想氣體;


1.Gas Station Proprietor: For what? 加油站經營者:為什麼?

2.Air, gas or steam enters the separator at high velocity. 空氣,氣體或蒸汽以很高的速度進入分離器。

3.People use pipelines to carry gas, oil, or other liquids. 人們利用油管來輸送瓦斯、油類或其他液體。


My gas tank's sprung a leak - 我的油箱漏油了。

We've been driving for hours with no gas station in sight. - 我們開車開了好久也沒有看到一個加油站。

Never pump gas with the engine running. - 發動機在運轉時,別加油。

This is the kitchen. Everything is brand new new fridge, new gas stove, new linoleum. - 這是廚房,東西都是新的,新的冰箱、新的煤氣爐、新的地毯。

An oil tanker ran aground and lost about 15,000 gallons of gas into the sea. - 一般油輪擱淺,把 15000 加侖油傾瀉在海裡了。

Could you tell me where is the gas station? - 你能不能告訴我加油站在哪裡?

The gas stove is out of order. - 這煤氣灶壞了。

either from gas or water, is pushing it. - 這種巨大的壓力來自地下天然氣或水。

Quick, turn the gas off. Cover the pan. Be careful! - 快,把煤氣關上。蓋上鍋。小心!

First turn the gas off and cover the pan. - 首先,把煤氣關上,蓋上油鍋。

Then you can share the cost of the gas and the car. - 這樣你們可以分攤汽油和租車的費用。

The fire service began to wonder whether a gas might have caused the fire. - 消防部門開始懷疑有一種氣體可能會導致火災。

It must have been a gas that could burn but that would not explode, a gas that did not smell strong, and a gas that did not kill people. - 它一定是一種能夠燃燒而不能爆炸的氣體,一種味道不很強的而且不使人致死的氣體。


antitoxinum gasgangraenosum trivalens; trivalent gas gangrene antitoxin - 三價氣性壞疽抗毒素

air proof; airproof; gas tight; gastight - 不透氣的

n. acetylene gas generator - 乙炔氣體發生器

n. acetylene gas generator - 乙炔氣發生器

n. sulfur dioxide-carbon dioxide mixture gas test - 二氧化硫二氧化碳混合氣體試驗

n. carbon-dioxide gas shieled arc welding - 二氧化碳密封弧焊

carbon dioxide gas incubator - 二氧化碳氣體培養箱

n. carbon dioxide gas molding process - 二氧化碳氣體模塑法

n. carbon dioxide gas molding process - 二氧化碳氣體造形法

n. CO2 gas shielded arc welding - 二氧化碳氣保護電弧焊

bivalent gas gangrene antitoxin - 二價氣性壞疽抗毒素

pentavalent gas gangrene antitoxin - 五價氣性壞疽抗毒素

n. sulfurous acid gas test - 亞硫酸氣體測驗

n. sulfurous acid gas test - 亞硫酸氣體試驗

n. low permeability gas reservoir - 低可透氣庫

n. low permeability gas well - 低可透氣氣井

n. low permeability gas sand - 低可透氣砂

n. low-permeability gas formation - 低的可透氣成型

residual gas analyzer - 餘氣分析儀

air feed; gas supply - 供氣

control panel of gas supply - 供氣控制台

catalytic tritium gas exposure method - 催化氚氣曝射法

lacrimator gas poisoning - 催淚毒氣中毒

gas filleddetector; gasfilleddetector - 充氣檢測器

photolysis gas chromatography - 光解氣相色譜法

molar gas constant - 克分子氣體常數

internal gas counting - 內充氣計數

n. cold gas efficiency - 冷氣效率

segrgeation gas chromato-graphy - 分離氣相色譜法

n. Pressurized Inert Gas Metal Arc Welding - 加壓惰性氣體金屬電弧焊接

n. compressed gas forming machine - 壓縮氣體成型機

reaction gas chromatohraphy; teaction gas chromatography - 反應氣相色譜法

n. combustible gas deposit - 可燃氣沉澱

gas pak system; gaspaksystem - 吸氣裝置

whiff; n. gas blowing - 吹氣

packing gas chromatography - 填充氣相色譜法

n. combustible natural gas deposit - 天然氣沉澱

analysis of natural gas mixtures - 天然混合物分析

like a running piggy; sensation of gas rushing - 奔豚

like a running piggy; sensation of gas rushing - 奔賁豚

closed respiratory gas system - 密閉呼吸氣體系統

n. Pressurized Inert Gas Metal Arc Welding - 密閉惰性氣體金屬極電弧焊

radio gas chromatography - 射頻氣相色譜法

industrial gas chromatography - 工業氣相色譜法

process gas chromatography; processgaschromatography - 工程管理氣相色譜法

process gas chromatography; processgaschromatography - 工藝流程氣相色譜法

dry gas meter - 干氣體計量器

exhaust gas analyzer - 廢氣分析器

n. open butt gas pressure welding - 開式對口加壓氣焊

microblood gas analusis - 微量血沉測定器


n.產酸產氣 - acid gas

n.氣相吸附色譜法 - adsorption gas chromatography

n.送風式防毒面具 - air supplied gas mask

n.鹼溶反應氣相色譜法 - alkali fusion reaction gas chromatography

肺泡氣體交換 - alveolar gas exchange

n.天然氣分析 - analysis of natural gas

n.天然混合物分析 - analysis of natural gas mixtures

n.窒息性氣體 - aspuxiating gas

n.自動氣體分析器 - automatic gas analyzer

n.自動氣體進樣閥 - automatic gas sampling value

n.二價氣性壞疽抗毒素 - bivalent gas gangrene antitoxin

高爐瓦斯,鼓風爐煤氣 - blast furnace gas

n.血液氣體 - blood gas

n.血液氣體分析器 - blood gas analyser

血氣分析 - blood gas analysis

n.血液氣體分析器 - blood gas analyzer

n.血液氣體測定器 - blood gas apparatus

血氣屏障 - blood gas barrier

n.標準氣體 - calibrating gas

二氧化碳氣浴,二所化碳氣浴 - carbon dioxide gas bath

n.二氧化碳氣體培養箱 - carbon dioxide gas incubator

n.二氧化碳,碳酸氣 - carbonic acid gas

n.載氣 - carrier gas

n.催化氚氣曝射法 - catalytic tritium gas exposure method

n.窒息毒氣 - chokedamp suffocating gas

n.催吐毒氣 - cholropicrin vomiting gas

n.純淨氣體 - clean gas

n.密閉呼吸氣體系統 - closed respiratory gas system

n.煤氣 - coal gas

n.助燃氣體 - combustion-supporting gas

n.氣流粉碎 - comminution by gas stream

壓縮氣體 - compressed gas

n.供氣控制台 - control panel of gas supply

n.高密度氣相色譜法 - dense gas chromatography

n.爆鳴氣 - detonating gas

消化性氣體,分解性氣體 - digestion gas

肺內吸入氣分佈 - distribution of inspired gas

n.氣體瀰散障礙 - disturbance of gas diffusion

n.干氣體計量器 - dry gas meter

n.乾燥天然氣 - dry matural gas

n.流出氣體分析 - effluent gas analysis

n.流出氣體檢測 - effluent gas detection

n.電子俘獲氣相色譜法 - electron capture gas chromatography

n.單質氣體,氣態元素 - elementary gas

n.洗脫用氣體,載氣 - eluant gas

n.流出氣體 - eluting gas

n.洗脫氣相色譜法 - elution gas chromatography

環氧乙烷氣 - ethylene oxide gas

n.釋出氣體分析儀 - evolved gas analyser

n.放出氣體分析 - evolved gas analysis

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