KUMGANG 二段演練金剛型;Mount Kumgang 金剛山;Mountain Kumgang 金剛山;Kumgang girl 朝鮮經典電影之二十八 金剛山姑娘;
1.Opened in 1989, 3, 500 seats. In the main hall there is an enormous glass mosaic which represents the Kumgang Mountains. 1989年開放,3,500座位。在大廳有一巨大的由玻璃塊鑲嵌成的金剛山畫。
2.Red Cross delegations from the two Koreas reached the agreement following three days of talks at the North's Mount Kumgang resort. 這是來自南朝鮮雙方的紅十字會代表團在朝鮮渡假地金剛山三天會談的成果。
3.South Koreans may not be keen to restart tours to the North, which were canceled last year after a North Korean soldier shot and killed a South Korean tourist at the Mount Kumgang resort area. 韓國人對重啟到朝鮮的旅遊可能並不熱心,在去年朝鮮士兵在金剛山度假區開槍打死了一名韓國遊客後,赴朝旅遊項目被取消了。