stumpage['stʌmpidʒ]n. 未砍伐的樹;立木採伐權;立木價值
stumpage 未砍伐的樹;立木;伐木支出;伐木支出 立木 立木採伐權 立木山價;Stumpage Value 立木價金;立木價格;Rental of stumpage 林木收利;Market Evidence Methods of Stumpage Appraisal 立木的市場方法;
1.Tenancy: Forestland owner transfers land tenure to APP, then obtains reward by rent or part behalf of stumpage harvest. 租賃林地方把林地使用權轉讓給APP,以租金或立木分成方式的方式取得林地報酬。
2.Stumpage produces the commodity that becomes independent as to produce a course, completely possible, conditional execute forest valence. 立木生產作為一個獨立的商品生產過程,完全有可能、有條件實行林價。
3.Stumpage enters market trade to should be had forest valence, this is the need that studies forestry economy theory not only, and the sense that having reality to forestry development. 立木進入市場交換應具有林價,這不僅是研究林業經濟理論的需要,而且對林業發展有著現實的意義。