v. acquaint ,familiarize
familiarised[fə'miljəraiz]vt., vi.familiarise的變形vt., vi.. [主英國英語] = familiarize變形: familiarised , familiarising
1.Do not allow children or persons who have not familiarised themselves with these instructions to work with the mower. 請勿讓孩子或不熟悉安全事項的人來使用割草機。
2.You should consult the licensed or registered person and become familiarised with the PP before trading in the PP securities. 你在買賣該項試驗計劃的證券之前,應先諮詢有關持牌人或註冊人的意見和熟悉該項試驗計劃。
3.All these landmarks are all very familiarised to us, the out looks of all these places could have very great differences! These all became the memories of the past. 這些建築物和景象都是目前仍舊著名的場所!昨日風采是否依舊?陳舊照片所隱藏的舊時韻味,能再次令您沉思和陶醉嗎?