hurleyn. 赫爾利(姓氏)
Hurley 赫爾利;棒球戲;著名女演員;沈澱霞;John Hurley 赫爾利;行長赫利;理事赫利;管理委員會成員赫利;Marsha Hurley 赫爾利;Elizabeth Hurley 伊麗莎白·赫莉;伊麗莎白·赫爾利;伊麗莎白赫莉;長曲髮型;Liz Hurley 伊莉莎白·赫莉;利茲-赫利;
1.The imperialist Patrick J. Hurley has had something to do with this business. 這件公案,也和帝國主義者赫爾利有關係。
2.Mike Talbot has been working at Hurley Technologies for a year. He started as a technical writer, helping draft instruction manuals for Hurley products. 麥克·泰柏已經在賀立科技公司服務一年了,他剛開始是負責專門技術的寫作工作,幫忙起草賀立公司的產品使用手冊。
3.Hurley in the United States and Chiang Kai-shek in China reached its most raucous pitch , with the sacrifice of the Chinese people as the common objective. 如此,美國的赫爾利,中國的蔣介石,在以中國人民為犧牲品的共同目標下,一唱一和,達到了熱鬧的頂點。