workloads['wə:kləud]n. 工作量
Workloads 工作負載;scheduling workloads 工作量的計劃;Enery expendituer of different lobar workloads 不同作業負荷的勞工能量消耗,;Balance workloads and forecast on-peak and off-peak loads - 平衡工作量與預測高峰和非高峰期負荷;
1.Space-saving low temperature incubator is ideal for small volume workloads. 節省空間的低溫培養箱主要用於小工作量的實驗。
2.People expect to work for an employer where pay, benefits, and workloads are fair and balanced, and in which people treat each other with respect. 員工願意為公平公正的僱主服務,無論是薪資、福利、工作量都公平且平衡,員工之間相互尊重。
3.Modern hectic lifestyles and increased workloads and pressures as well as modern technology were blamed for the increase in our levels of forgetfulness. 現代繁忙的生活模式,工作負擔壓力的增加以及現代的科學技術都被譴責是造成健忘增長的因素。