





carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;


1.A kind of Rotary cultivator shell, it includes shell with transmission shaft axis hole and set oil hole, set oil hole end has end cover , magnet is in this end cover . 一種旋耕機機殼,它包括帶有傳動軸軸孔及放油孔的殼體,放油孔端頭設有端蓋,在該端蓋內設有磁鐵。

2.The layout of a stabling area is important. Ideally, each road should have an exit route at each end, so that, if one end gets blocked for any reason, trains can still get out the other end. 停車區域的佈置是很重要的,理想的停車線應該在每一端都有出口(貫通式佈置),如果一端線路出現堵塞,可經過另一個出口出去。

3.While most of the closed-end funds in our country are in discounted presently, and the open-end funds have higher deal cost and higher liquidity risk than the closed-end ones. 而我國目前上市的封閉式基金大多存在折價現象,而且與封閉式基金相比,開放式基金有著較高的交易成本和較高的流動性風險。

4.Briefly: The closure of the end of the plastic hose-end closure applies to Chinese medicine, Japan, and special food industry, which is the ideal plastic hose, the closure of the end of machinery. 主要用途:軟管封尾機適用於醫藥、日化、食品及特殊行業理想的塑料軟管、複合管封尾機械。

5.At the same time, the reflection characters of strain wave and displacement wave are analyzed at the fixed end, free end and elastic bearing end. 同時,本文分析了位移波和應力波在固定端、自由端和彈性支承端的反射特點。


end-to-end ileo-ileostomy - 迴腸迴腸端端吻合術

end-to-end anastomosis - 對端吻合術

end-to-end jejunojejunostomy - 空腸空腸端端吻合術

end-to-end implantation - 端植入法

end-to-end anastomosis - 端端吻合術

end-to-end ureteral anastomosis - 輸尿管端端吻合術

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