





n. begetter ,father of the church ,forefather ,padrev. beget ,engender ,generate ,get


n. female parent ,mother


father['fɑ:ðə]n. 父親,爸爸;神父;祖先;前輩vt. 發明,創立;當…的父親


father 父親;爸爸;父親,爸爸;神父;Collect father 收爹;收爹.;收爹 [省省吧!;收皮;father blues 父職沮喪;父職沮喪 更多科技詞彙;father fixation 父親固戀;reputed father 據稱的父親;


1.to father a plan, an idea, a project, etc. 最早提出一項計劃、一種思想、一項設計等

2.Is your father a TV reporter, too? 你爸爸也是一名電視記者嗎?

3.Father: That was Tony on the phone. 父親:剛才我是跟托尼通電話。


What does your father do? - 你父親從事什麼職業?

My father is an engineer of a construction company, and mother is a doctor. - 我父親是一家建築公司的工程師,母親是一名醫生。

My mother is a housewife and my father is retired. - 我媽媽是家庭婦女,我爸爸退休了。

My father is a forensic psychologist. - 我爸爸是一個犯罪心理學家。

And what does your father do? - 令尊是做什麼的?

or else my father will get really angry. - 要不然我爸爸會很生氣。

My father would like me to go there. - 我爸爸希望我去那兒。

I sold your father that house seventeen years ago. - 十七年前我把那棟房子賣給你父親的。

I'm the father of the bride. - 我是新娘的父親。

My wife Marilyn, my father and mother, - 我太太Marilyn, 我父親和母親,

My father likes going fishing and hunting in his spare time. - 我父親喜歡在業餘時間釣魚和打獵。

His father has to sell the farm to pay back the bank. - 他的父親不得不把家聲賣掉以還債給銀行。

My father sends his regards to you. - 我父親向你問好。

My father always interferes with me. - 我父親經常干涉我的事。

My father had an interview with the principal to discuss my work. - 我父親會見校長討論我的功課情況。

My father refused to consent to my marrying her. - 父親拒絕答應我和她結婚。

Neither father nor mother likes this weather. - 爸爸媽媽都不喜歡這天氣。[咬五次舌頭]

When Emily came home at three in the morning, her father hit the ceiling. - 哎米莉在凌晨2點鐘回家時,她父親大發雷霆。

The child behaved so rudely that he put his father to shame. - 這孩子舉止非常無禮,使他的父親感到羞恥。

Don't bother your father now, he is very tired. - 現在別拿這個去煩你爸,他很累了。

My father is over 60 years old. - 我父親已年過六十了。

My father goes back to work in the evening. - 我父親傍晚回去工作了。

What does your father do? - 你父親做什麼工作?

George's father is an attorney.He has his own practice. - 喬治的父親是一個律師,他有他自己的實踐經驗。

My father always gave an ear to my problems. - 家父常常傾聽我的問題。

My father is vacationing in the north. - 我父親正在北方度假。

He helps my father every day. - 他每天都幫助我的父親做事。

I know the boy whose father is a ball player. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是球員。

I know the boy whose father is a banker. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是銀行家。

I know the boy whose father is a captain. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是船長。

I know the boy whose father is a college president. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是大學校長。

I know the boy whose father is a dentist. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是牙醫。

I know the boy whose father is a guide. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是導遊。

I know the boy whose father is a mailman. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是郵差。

I know the boy whose father is a manager. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是經理。

I know the boy whose father is a medical doctor. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是醫師。

I know the boy whose father is a merchant. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是商人。

I know the boy whose father is a missionary. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是傳教士。

I know the boy whose father is a painter. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是畫家。

I know the boy whose father is a pilot. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是飛行員。

I know the boy whose father is a policeman. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是警察。

I know the boy whose father is a professor. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是大學教授。

I know the boy whose father is a scentist. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是科學家。

I know the boy whose father is a writer. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是作家。

I know the boy whose father is an architect. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是建築師。

I know the boy whose father is an attorney. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是律師。

I know the boy whose father is an engineer. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是工程師。

I remember George's father owns a ship. - 我記得喬治的父親有一艘船。

I remember the girl whose father earns $ 10000 a month. - 我記得那個女孩的父親一個月賺一萬元。

I remember the girl whose father earns $ 140000 a year. - 我記得那個女孩的父親一年賺十五萬元。


father factor - 父傳因子


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