





a. brobdingnagian ,immense ,vast


huge[hju:dʒ]adj. 巨大的;龐大的;無限的


huge 超大;色相,色彩;巨大;魁梧;at huge 大多數,未被捕獲的;一般;一般,大體上;普通;Huge Materia 巨大魔石;巨型魔石;Huge Hall 超大廳混響;Huge Stingray 巨大圖片;


1.A huge tusk decorated the wall of his study. 他書房的牆上裝飾著一支巨大的象牙。

2.These incentives have become a huge factor in choosing where to shoot a film. 這些刺激已經成為選擇在何處拍攝電影的一個重要因素。

3.Pisces believes in sacrificing for the greater good and Uranus is a huge fan of humanitarianism. 雙魚座認為,在更大的利益和天王星是一個巨大的風扇人道主義犧牲。


Genetics is a whold new industry with huge market potential. - 基因是一門新興產業且擁有巨大的潛在市場。

He invests his money in the stock market, dreaming of huge profits. - 他把錢投資在股市中, 夢想從中獲暴利。

They stared at the huge tiger with awe. - 他們敬畏地看著那頭巨虎。

There are lots of huge buildings in Beijing. - 在北京有許多高大的建築物。

The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes. - 飛機把這種草籽大量地撒播在地上。

A huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. - 突然,瞭望員發現一座冰山。

Two great towers support four huge cables. - 兩座巨塔支撐著4根粗大的鋼纜。

but one day, after heavy shower, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize plants. - 後來有一天,一場大雨後,我在花園裡漫無目的散步,突然注意到許許多多蝸牛在我的一些心愛的花木上慢悠悠的蠕動著。

They devise hundreds of competitions which will enable us to win huge sums of money. - 他們設計數以百計的競賽,競賽中有人可贏得巨額獎金。

but the fire fighters were eventually able to free him by cutting a huge hole in the wall. - 消防隊員在牆上挖了個大洞,才終於把他解救出來。

Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure. - 離我們不遠處,出現一個大裂縫。

At the far end of the lake, they came to huge piles of rubble which had been washed up by the water. - 在湖的盡頭,他們見到一大堆一大堆由湖水沖刷上岸的碎石。

Squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, the pot-holers arrived at an enormous cavern, the size of a huge concert hall. - 洞穴探險者從岩石縫裡擠身過去,來到一個巨大的洞裡,其大小相當於一個音樂廳。

Water streamed in torrents over its sides with such force that it set up a huge wave in the canal. - 波浪從盤子兩側急湧而出,在運河裡掀起一股大浪。

Newspapers and magazines offered the family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories and photographs. - 報紙、雜誌出高價向他們購買文字、圖片的獨家報道權。

The parquet floors shone like mirrors; highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets; even my uncle's huge collection of books was kept miraculously free from dust. - 鑲木地板潔如明鏡,擦得發亮的銀器陳列在明亮的玻璃櫃裡,連姑夫的大量藏書也保存得很好,奇跡般地一塵不染。

When she came in with the last course -- a huge pudding -- - 當她端著最後一道菜——一大盤布丁——

that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. - 我是一所大學裡的一名新生,如果我當時真的被看成像一個問題那樣有趣,我會感到很得意的。

Now that they could ride horses, it became easier to hunt the bison, a type of cattle which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America. - 當他們從一個營地搬到另一個營地去的時候,他們就可以利用這些野馬來運載貨物。既然土著人會騎馬了,獵取野牛也就容易了。這種野牛以前是成群結隊地生活在美洲平原上的。


huge global heart - 巨大球形心


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