stopingv. 回采(stope的ing形式);以梯段法開採n. 頂蝕作用
stoping 回采;頂蝕作用;岩漿侵入 頂蝕作用 回采;岩漿侵入 頂蝕作用 回采;timbered stoping 支架開採;overhand stoping 頂蝕作用;上向回采法;stoping trap 釋義:阻止帶;阻止帶;open stoping 空場採礦法;
1.The paper introduced shallow hole shrinkage stoping method that has been used in Baoziwan Gold Mine for many years. 敘述了堡子灣金礦多年來應用淺孔留礦採礦法的生產實踐以及對采切工程的改進。
2.The stoping of remnant orebody in accumulative manganese deposits is of great importance to the fully utilization of mineral resources. 堆積型錳礦床殘礦體的回采,對充分利用國家礦產資源具有重要的經濟意義。
3.Objective:To study the effect between Ethinylestradiol combined Rivanolum and Misoprostil and sole Rivanolum for stoping the metaphase and late pregnancy. 目的:探討炔雌醇、利凡諾、米索前列醇聯合和單用利凡諾中止中、晚期妊娠的臨床療效。