





r. backward ,backwards ,in reply ,rearwardn. backbone ,cover ,dorsum ,reara. hind ,hinderv. back up ,endorse ,gage ,indorse


r. ahead ,forrad ,forrard ,forwardn. fronta. frontv. advance ,bring forward ,face ,veer


Back[bæk]n. 後面;背部;靠背;足球等的後衛;書報等的末尾vt. 支持;後退;背書;下賭注vi. 後退;背靠;倒退adv. 以前;向後地;來回地;上溯adj. 後面的;過去的;拖欠的


back 後衛;後幅;返回;後 方;set back 推遲,延緩,阻礙;使花費;推遲;拖延;give back 歸還;送回;恢復;後退;hold back 阻止,抑制;躊躇,退縮;隱瞞,保守(秘密等);退縮;pay back 償還;向…報復,回報;償還,還錢給(某人);回報;

Back的參考例句 back the cause up with their lives 用他們的生命支持這一事業

2.Do you have back or neck pain? 你有背痛或頸部酸痛問題嗎?

3.Back to hostel yet? To eat yet? 回到宿舍了沒有?吃飯了沒有?


Why don't you call back later this afternoon? - 你何不今天下午再來電話呢?

OK. I will try her back then. - 好的,我到時再試試看。

She'll be back around 2:30. - 大概兩點半會回來。

OK. I'll let you get back to your work. - 好,你過去工作吧。

I'll think about it and call you back soon, OK? - 我考慮一下,回頭我盡快打電話給你,好嗎?

That's great. I'll come back right after the formalities. - 那太好了。手續辦完後我就回來。

That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And I'll call you back to make reservations. - 聽起來價錢還算公道。讓我考慮一下,我會再打電話預定。

Drive me back to Santa Clara. - 載我到聖塔克萊拉。

I hope to come back to the mode of payment. - 我希望回過頭來討論付款方式。

I was. I came back here last month on vacation. - 本來是,不過上個月回來度假。

The only thing holding us back is our financial situation. - 只是財政狀況未許可,所以才拖延到現在。

I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. - 等我回去找的時候 船已經開走了。

This one really brings back memories. - 這一張的確喚起了許多的回憶。

Good. Do you have any back or knee problems? - 好。你的背部和膝關節有什麼毛病嗎

Well, what do you say we get back to our fishing? - 你們說, 我們回去釣魚怎樣?

Why are you back so early? - 你們怎麼這麼早回來?

Philip had to go back to the hospital. Philip - 必須要回醫院。

He'll be back soon. - 他很快就回來。

I'll be back to see the game. - 我到時候來看比賽。

OK. I'll be back in a few minutes. - 好,過幾分鐘我就回來。

I'll be back with them. - 我會帶他們來。

and then we'll go back to my house. - 然後回到我家。

OK. We'll walk back to your office with you. - 好吧 ,我們陪你走回你的辦公室去。

I'm going back to my office. - 我要回辦公室了。

all about your first full day back on the job. - 關於你重回工作第一天的全部情況了。

They come back here for lunch, - 他們回到這兒來吃午餐,

and come back Sunday. - 然後在星期天回來。

That's the back of Pete Waters's place. - 那就是Pete Waters住處的後面。

when she goes back to Greece. - 她回去希臘時。

And my friend Alexandra is going back to Greece ... - 我的朋友Alexandra就要回希臘去了……

I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary. - 我可以從我當救生員的薪水中拿出來還你。

I can't wait to get back home and see everyone again. - 我迫不及待地想回國看看。

Yes, I've just come back from Scotland. - 是的,我剛從蘇格蘭回來。

Turn around, Michelle. Let me see the back of it. - 轉過去一下, Michelle。讓我看看它的背面。

Yes, I do. Change back into your jeans, - 是的, 我想看看。換回你的牛仔褲,

Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later. - 當然。將它放回你的房間裡, 過一會兒我們來一件件掛起來。

with the question of whether I go back to work or not. - 為我是否回去工作這個問題。

I really want to go back to work, - 我真的想回去工作,

Have you discussed going back to work with your boss? - 你已跟你的老闆討論過回去工作的事嗎?

and wait until you're ready to go back to work. - 而且會等你準備好了才回去工作。

what you were thinking about regarding going back to work. - 是否打算回去工作。

So ... back to work. - 因此……用功吧。

No, let's wait till Robbie gets back from the airport. - 不要。我們等Robbie從機場回來吧。

We'll be heading back late in the afternoon. - 我們會在黃昏時打道回府。

I always go back to the city in a wonderful state of mind. - 我再回到城裡時, 精神總是十分飽滿。

I think you are getting off the subject. Could we get back to the main point, please? - 我覺得你跑題了。 我們能不能回到主題上來?

Sure, I'll let you take my daughter you, but make sure she is back by 10. - 可以,你可以帶我女兒出去,但你要保證十點前把她帶回來。

I've seen a lot of people wearing runners lately. I guess they're back in fashion. - 最近我看到很多人穿上了披肩,我看是不是披肩又流行起來了?

His father has to sell the farm to pay back the bank. - 他的父親不得不把家聲賣掉以還債給銀行。

The bank canceled his loan and took back his car. - 銀行取消了他的貸款並收回了他的車。


lower back cellulitislower back cellulitis - 下搭手

low back pain - 下腰痛

back filled; backfilled - 倒填充的

back flow - 倒流

n. back step process - 分段退焊工藝

n. open back press - 前後送料式沖床

n. back entry - 副港

back cross; backcross - 反交

back flusing; recoil - 反衝

back flush unit - 反衝組件

back pressure - 反壓

n. hydrostatic extrusion under back pressure - 反壓下的液力擠壓

n. back gage - 反向定位裝置

back projection - 反向投影

n. back stripping - 反向抽出

back scatter; backscattering - 反向散射

n. back scattered radiation - 反向散射輻射

n. back post die-set - 反向柱狀模具定位器

back titration - 反向滴定

n. back stripping - 反向脫模

n. back gage - 反向行程限位器

back flushing technique - 反吹技術

back filled; backfilled - 反填充的

n. back tensioned drawing - 反拉力拉延

back scattering - 反散射

n. back draft - 反斜度

back wash - 反洗

n. back draft - 反牽伸

back coordination - 反饋配位

n. back ground current - 後向接地電流

n. back scattered radiation - 後向散射輻射

n. solid back C frame press - 後封閉整體床身C形壓力機

n. open back inclinable press - 後開中傾式壓力機

n. back gage - 後支檔

n. back post die-set - 後柱成套沖模

n. back heading - 後端板

n. back surface - 後表面

n. back gage - 後部儀表

n. back chipping - 後部修整

n. back gouging - 後部刨槽

n. back tension - 後部張力

n. back tensioned drawing - 後部拉伸圖

n. back scattered radiation - 後部散射輻射

n. back overman - 坑內保安員

back cross; backcross - 回交

n. back filling - 回填土

n. back filling system - 回填系統

back mutation; reverse mutation - 回復突變

n. spring back angle - 回彈角

n. spring back angle - 回彈角度


人工牙齒用材料 - artificial teeth back material

n.機體反饋,生物反饋 - biofeed back

n.背闊肌 - broadest nuscle of back

n.背痛 - carbuncle on the back

n.胸背疼痛,胸膺背痛 - chest and back pain

n.心痛徹背,心痛乇背 - chest pain radiating to the back

n.背惡寒,背寒 - chilly sensation in the back

n.引火歸原 - conducting the fire back to its origin

持續反交,連續背交叉 - continuous back cross

n.背深肌 - deep muscles of back

n.胸背肌肉訓練器 - exercise unit for chest and back muscles

n.反饋 - feed back

n.濾波反向投影法 - filter back projection

n.他背部劇痛 - he has terrible pain in the back

n.氫離子回滲 - hydrogen ion back diffusion

n.救生背包 - life-support back pack

n.背最長肌 - longissimus muscle of back

n.下腰痛 - low back pain

低脊疼痛性疾病 - low back pain disease

日本國低脊痛治療標準123191 - low back pain therapy criterion 123191 at Japan Orthopaedic Assoc.

n.下搭手 - lower back cellulitis

n.腰背疼痛 - lumbago and back pain

異型性低脊痛 - metatypical low back pain

背肌,背部肌肉 - muscle of back

n.背肌 - muscles of back

n.腰背肌肉筋膜炎 - myofascitis of back

n.腰背疼痛 - pain in back and loin

n.腰背疼痛 - pain in back and loin or lumbago and back pain

n.肩背痛 - pain of shoulder and back

n.捏積,捏脊 - pinch and pull the back

n.手發背 - pyogenic infection of the back

n.讀回校驗 - read back check

n.脊椎骨折人背人復位 - reduction of fracture of spine by holding on back

反向彈回扣環,逆作用鉤 - reverse back action clasp

n.鞍背狀脊柱 - saddle back

n.鞍狀麻醉 - saddle back anesthesia

n.重算,重新運行 - roll back

n.項背強,項強 - stiffness of nape and back

n.頸背強直 - stiffness of the nape and back

n.直背綜合征 - straight back syndrome

n.背肌力 - strength of back muscles

n.背淺肌 - superficial muscles of back

n.手背 - the back of the hand

n.肩背沉酸 - vague aching of back and shoulder

n.肩背沉酸 - vague aching of the back and shoulder

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