suburbanization[sə,bə:bənai'zeiʃən, ni'z-]n. 市郊化,郊區化;近郊化
suburbanization 市郊化;郊區的發展;近郊化;近郊化市郊化;suburbanization WESTBANK 市郊化;
1.The low-density office buildings come from the tendency of suburbanization and ecological theory. 低密度辦公建築的出現源於辦公的生態主義傾向與郊區化傾向。
2.It is shown that there has a population suburbanization in the studied areas, while three metropolitan areas dislpayed three different spatial structure patterns. 其間發現三個都會區有不同的空間結構型態及人口郊區化的現象,但郊區化的過程中亦存在明顯的差異性。
3.City track opened for residential suburbanization is possible. When people light easy ride home, they may not be aware that the land value has quietly at the feet of soaring. 城軌開通使住宅郊區化正成為可能。當人們輕鬆乘坐輕軌回家時,他們可能沒有意識到,腳下的土地價值已悄悄地飆升。