thuabbr. 星期四(Thursday)
Thu 星期四;清華大學;清華大學 (北京);週四;Thu Bon 秋盆河;Jul Thu 八一-然烏;納木錯-拉薩;Thu Duc 首德區;Ca thu 三文魚;
1.You know nothing about universities in HK. HK has some universities even better than PKU and THU. 這也就是為什麼香港沒有名牌大學的重要原因之一。江西也沒有。
2.Greetings from the Netherlands Alumni Network in China (NANC) and The Hague University (THU) to all graduates of The Hague University living and working in China! 問候來自荷蘭的校友網絡在中國(膽鹼)和海牙大學(週四)向所有的畢業生海牙大學生活和工作在中國!
3.Thu Longchuanjiang basin is one of the main uranium-hosting basin in western Yunnan, and a series of sandstone-type uranium deposits have been explored up to now. 龍川江盆地是滇西主要的鈾礦賦礦盆地之一,現已探明一批砂岩型鈾礦床。