unreformed 未改革的;未經宗教改革的;
1.One reason is that the unreformed Japanese corporate sector is indifferent to returns to shareholders. 原因之一是,未經改革的日本企業界,依然不把回報股東當一回事。
2.With its unreformed one-party system, its rote-learning in schools and state control of big businesses, "new China" is hardly a haven for innovative thinking. 學校裡的填鴨式教育和經濟上的國家控制,「新中國」顯然不是培養創造性思維的樂土。
3.With its unreformed one-party system, its rote-learning in schools and state control of big businesses, "new China" is hardly a haven for innovative thinking. 一黨獨裁的統治,機械死板的學校教育,以及經濟命脈的國家壟斷,注定了創新思維在「新中國」難有容身之地。