diseasesn. 病(disease的複數);疾病;病害;疾病種類
diseases 疾病;病害;疾病名稱;疾病致死;Immunological diseases 免疫疾病;免疫性疾病;免疫生病;Plant diseases 植物病害;Infectious Diseases 傳染病學;感染性疾病;傳染病;傳染性疾病;Aged diseases 老年病;
1.The doctor discovered that his heart was diseased. 醫生發現他的心臟有病。
2.The polluted water causes diseases and death. 污染的水引起疼病,造成死亡。
3.We should take active measures to ward off diseases/danger. 他們須採取積極的措施來避開疾病/危險。
If you educate the public about dangerous diseases they can protect themselves, which will help to halt the spread. - 如果你能教育公眾如何來防治危險疾病,他們就能夠保護好他們自己,從而阻止疾病的傳播。
Desperate diseases must have desperate cures. - 毒病要用毒藥醫。
that if we escape wars, accidents and diseases we shall eventually 'die of old age', - 既使我們能避開戰爭、意外的事故和各種疾病,我們最終也會"老死;
diseases of the three yin channels - 三陰病
four chief diseases in pediatrics; four chief diseases inpediatrics - 兒科四大要證
usual diseases of childhood - 兒科常見病
inflammatory diseases of foot - 四淫
treating obstructive diseases by tonfication; treating obstructive diseases by tonification - 塞因塞用
diseases caused by exopathogen; imjury - 外傷
external diseases with favorable prognosis - 外科順證
collagen diseases in pregnancy - 妊娠期膠原病
lock hospital; lockhospital; veneral diseases hospital - 性病醫院
standard nomenclature of diseases and operations - 疾病和手術的標準命名
diseases occuring in the yang channels - 病發於陽
all diseases result from disorder of qi - 百病皆生於氣
lunatic asylum; mental diseases hospital; mental hospital - 精神病醫院
tuberculous diseases diploma - 結核病證明書
diseases of newborn - 胎疾
treat the diarrhetic diseases with cathartics; treating diarrhea with purgatives - 通因通用
n.診斷專著 - a monograph on the diagnosis of diseases
n.百病皆生於氣 - all diseases result from disorder of qi
各種病 - all kinds of diseases
n.肉體上疾病 - bodily diseases
n.促使康良 - boost recovery from diseases
n.循環系統疾病 - circulatory system diseases
n.疾病分類 - classification of diseases
n.妊娠期膠原病 - collagen diseases in pregnancy
傳染病管理 - communicable diseases control
n.營養缺乏症 - deficiency diseases
成人標記患者 - degenerative diseases patient
n.傳染病科 - department of infectious diseases
n.時氣鼻衄 - epistaxis deu to epidemic infectious diseases
n.外感 - exopathic diseases
n.外科順證 - external diseases with favorable prognosis
n.兒科四大要證 - four chief diseases in pediatrics
n.兒科四大要證 - four chief diseases inpediatrics
真菌病 - fungal diseases
n.手-足-口病 - hand-foot-mouth diseases
n.增強抗病能力 - improve the ability of resisting diseases
n.四淫 - inflammatory diseases of foot
n.蟲媒病 - insect-borne diseases
n.寄生蟲病研究所 - institute of parasitic diseases
n.小兒用藥 - medicines in curing children diseases
n.精神病醫院 - mental diseases hospital
n.乳傳播病 - milk-borne diseases
n.雜病,雜症 - miscellaneous diseases
n.疾病的預防和治療 - prevention and treatment of diseases
n.產後病溫 - puerperal epidemic febrile diseases
n.傳染病報告 - report of infectious diseases
已報出的傳染病 - reported communicable diseases
類似的疾病 - similar diseases
n.瘡,瘡瘍 - skin and external diseases
n.風科 - speciality of wind diseases
n.雜醫科 - specialty of miscellaneous diseases
n.雜醫科 - specialty of miscellaneouss diseases
n.婦科良藥 - specific drug for gynecological diseases
n.疾病和手術的標準命名 - standard nomenclature of diseases and operations
n.暑病 - summer-heat diseases
n.急性傳染病急死 - sudden death caused by acute infectious diseases
n.自家免疫病急死 - sudden deatn caused by autoimmune diseases
n.疫癘的傳染與流行 - the infection and spreading of epidemic diseases
n.外科理例 - theory and case reports on external diseases
n.外科補法 - tonification therapy of external diseases
n.外科補法 - tonification theraty of external diseases
n.通因通用 - treat the diarrhetic diseases with cathartics
n.塞因塞用 - treating obstructive diseases by tonfication
n.塞因塞用 - treating obstructive diseases by tonification
n.結核病證明書 - tuberculous diseases diploma
n.經過三陽病階段 - undergo the stages of the three yang diseases