facilitatorsn. 輔助商;服務性企業;促進者
Facilitators 促進者;服務性企業;便利;AAC facilitators 輔助溝通的協助者;International Association of Facilitators 國際引導者協會;國際建導師協會;Qualifications of Ropes Course Facilitators 合格繩索課程引導員;Models of Learners and Facilitators 模型的學習者和調解人;
1.Facilitators help groups to seek answers and end states. 誘導者幫助各個小組尋找答案,做結論。
2.The newly baptised invited us, the RCIA facilitators and members, to a BBQ dinner tonight to celebrate the end of the ten months course and their baptism to become Catholics. 他們特地邀請我們慕道班的工作人員參加由他們主辦的BBQ燒烤會,以示慶祝十個月的慕道課程的結束,和他們成功的領受聖洗聖事,成為了天主教徒。
3.Fifth , facilitators have a good cooperate. All activities are together to finish. When one facilitator was organized the activities, the other will wrote down the note and prepare the material. 第五,協作者配合默契。任何活動不存在著誰做的問題。所有活動都是兩位協作者共同完成的。一名協作者主持活動的進行,另一名則幫助記錄或準備材料。