gedabbr. 普通教育開發(General Educational Development );釋出氣體檢測法(Gas Evolution Detection);一般同等文憑(General Equivalent Diploma)
GED 汽油發動機驅動的;GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT;Generalized Error Distribution;General Equivalency Diploma;die Ged 腸子;ged wine 陳酒, 陳釀葡萄酒;GED GEneralComprehensiveOperatingSystem 通用綜合操作系統;Ged Musto 私人教練蓋德·莫斯托;
1.He drag ged the heavy chest across the floor. 他在地板上拉著沉重的箱子。
2.But some News Yorkers shrug ged off the news and said they are not planning to change their travel plans. 但是一些紐約市民對這個消息只是聳聳肩,不太在乎,他們並不準備更改交通計劃。
3.That's after authorities say a woman flag ged down an officer and complained that Barry was stalk ing her. 權威人士說那是在一名婦女攔住一名官員並抱怨說巴裡在跟蹤她之後。