multicell['mʌltisel]adj. 多單元的
multicell 多單元;多網格的;多室的;multicell storm 多胞風暴;multicell echo 多單體回波;multicell battery 多元電池組;multicell thunderstorm 多胞雷雨;
1.The basic work principles and control method of a new stacked multicell inverters. 介紹了一種新型的層疊式多電平逆變器的工作原理與控制方法。
2.In order to study flood management problems of the Wanquan River basin, a hydrological multicell and hydraulics model has been built up to simulate complex flood routing behaviors. 萬泉河流域面積大、降雨分佈不均勻,洪水受多種複雜因素的影響,因此採用多單元的水文學模型與河道水力學模型相結合的預報系統。
3.A novel modulation method for cascaded multicell inverter with separated dc sources is presented in this paper to balance the unequal power distribution among different invert cells. 針對帶獨立直流源的級聯型多電平逆變器各逆變單元間應力分配不均衡提出了一種新的調製方法。