multithreadn. 多流
multithread 多重執行線;多頭處理;多線索;多流;multithread processing 多路徑處理;多線程處理;斗徑處理;多線程處理(技術,方法);processing multithread 處理多線式;multithread operation 多流操作;多流操作 多線操作;multithread architecture 多總線結構;
1.By the means of data updating and multithread technique, the integrated model is self-modified on-line. 通過採用數據的滾動以及多線程技術的應用,實現了模型的在線修正。
2.To support multicore, multithread, asynchronous I/O and to reduce the port number of register files, some processors are equipped with connected and partitioned register banks. 隨著計算機體系結構的發展,為了支持多核多線程、異步訪存以及減少寄存器件讀寫端口,出現了一類相連多寄存器組結構的處理器。
3.One process, multithread safe and very very stable (thought to survive to sudden Blackouts). Optimal query engine (MySQLDriverCS-like easy tools). No MDAC or ODBC support needed. 單進程,讀安全線程,非常穩定,優化的查詢引擎,不需要MDAC或者ODBC支持。