ACFMabbr. 交流電磁場檢測(Alternating Current Field Measurement);實際立方英尺/分(actual cubic feet per minute)
ACFM 交變磁場測量;場測量法;磁場測量法;交流電場探傷儀;
1.To realize visualized detection of alternating current field measurement(ACFM), signals must be processed with hardware and software. 在交流電磁場檢測(ACFM)中,為了實現可視化的檢測,其信號應經過硬件處理和軟件處理。
2.In order to develop the visualization technique for alternating current field measurement (ACFM), the application basis of ACFM was investigated with a numerical simulation method. 基於開發交流電磁場檢測(ACFM)可視化技術的需要,採用數值模擬方法對ACFM技術進行了探討。
3.According to the basic principle of alternative current field measurement (ACFM), the alternative current field sensor was designed, which was made up of drive coil and induction coil. 根據交變磁場測量法(ACFM)的基本原理,設計了一種由激勵線圈和感應線圈組成的交變磁場傳感器,可對空間「點」磁場進行測量。