n. achiever ,succeeder ,winner
n. failure ,loser ,nonstarter ,unsuccessful person
success[sək'ses]n. 成功,成就;勝利;大獲成功的人或事物
success 成功;社科賽斯;勝利; 成功;success story 成功故事;一個人的成名史;成功者的故事;功成名就;PRIME SUCCESS 永恩國際;MACAU SUCCESS 澳門實德;success identity 成功認證;成功認同;成功的統合感;成功的認同;
1.Hard work is the key to success. 努力工作是取得成功的關鍵。
2.His success was due to hard work. 他的成功是艱苦努力的結果。
3.Her success bring credit to her family. 她的成功給她家帶來了榮譽。
Another rags-to-riches success story. Now you can borrow money from him instead of me. - 又一個白手起家,發財致富的成功人物。以後你可以向他借錢,不用找我了。
I owe my success to my Mom. - 我的成功歸功於母親。
He owes his success more to luck than to ability. - 他認為他的成功是靠運氣而不是靠自己的能力。
I admire him for his success in business. - 我佩服他事業有成。
And they are very proud of their son's success in getting a scholarship to Harvard. - 他們為兒子獲得哈佛的獎學金頁感到非常自豪。
He had visions of success and fame. - 他夢想功成名就。
Poor health may be a bar to success in life. - 健康不佳可能成為人一生中取得成功的障礙。
Confidence of success is almost success. - 對成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。
Congratulations on your success in the election. - 我恭喜你當選了。
He who wills success is half way to it. - 下定決心成功的人是成功了一半。
I have no secret of success but hard work. - 成功無秘訣,只是努力幹。
The first element of success is the determination to succeed. - 成功的首要因素是要有成功的決心。
The secret of success is constancy of purpose. - 成功的秘訣是目標堅定。
Great efforts ensure the success of our work. - 巨大的努力確保了我們工作的成功。
then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years' War,had dictated her measurements and armament. - 正處在"三十年戰爭"的軍事鼎盛階段,他親自規定了這艘船的規模和武器配備。
I admire him for his success in business. - 我佩服他事業有成。
I owe my success to my Mom. - 我的成功歸功於母親。
He owes his success more to luck than to ability. - 他認為他的成功是靠運氣而不是因為自己的能力。
I wish you every success in the future. - 祝你未來一切成功。
Now let's drink to the success of your school! - 現在,咱們為你辦學成功,乾杯!
n.成功率 - rate of success