vettingn. 審查,審核
vetting 審閱;忠貞調查;審查;審核;negative vetting 不否決或不提出修訂的議決程序;先訂立後審議;不否決或不提出修訂的議決程序-----;先訂立後審議的程序;vetting panel 審批委員會 文康體育;legal vetting 法定審查;vetting process 審批程序;
1.American police will step up training and vetting of their counterparts. 美國警方將加快對墨西哥警察的核查和培訓。
2.These funds are being allocated to the member companies of Dubai Inc by a Financial Support Fund, which is vetting the companies' business plans. 這些資金將通過一個金融支持基金會分配給迪拜控股公司的成員,這個基金會正在審批各公司的商業計劃。
3.This time vetting is more thorough, training lasts three weeks instead of one, pay is higher, and AP3 units are promised mentoring and close support by American forces. 這次將會進行更徹底的審查,並且對成員進行為期3周的培訓,高薪酬會讓AP3單位的指導更多是為了支持美國不對。