fluorophoren. 螢光團
fluorophore 螢光團;螢光團;將螢光團;
1.Collision of an oxygen molecule with a fluorophore in its excited state leads to a non-radiative transfer of energy. 在激發態的氧分子與螢光的碰撞產生非輻射能量轉移。
2.Business card printing use in ink does not like the screen shows the fluorophore or some digital proofing paint that is used by the. 制卡歷程洋擱置的油不朱並不像屏幕外現所用的熒平體或一些數碼打樣所擱置的顏料那樣清。
3.Business card printing and membership card making use of ink is the screen shows the fluorophore or some digital proofing paint that is used by the. 制卡和會員卡制息歷程洋擱置的油不朱並不像屏幕外現所用的熒平體或一些數碼打樣所擱置的顏料那樣清。