backbends['bæk,bend]n. 賣藝人身體向後仰作弓狀的姿勢
1.For example, you should have an idea of how practicing backbends before in versions feels and vice versa. 例如,你需要明白在倒立之前練習後彎的感覺,反之亦然。
2.One should be comfortable in small, less challenging backbends before emphasizing bigger, more challenging ones. 小幅度、挑戰性小的後彎,往往會比大幅度、挑戰性大的後彎更容易讓人感覺舒適。
3.For example, perform mild backbends common to warrior 1, prone back extension and cobra before deeper backbends like camel or wheel. 比如,做輕柔的後彎後到戰士一式,先做輕柔的後伸和眼鏡蛇式,再做深入的後彎如駱駝或輪式。