





cross-selling and up-selling 銷售;cross-selling and up-selling 銷售;Selling Abacus 賣算盤;distress selling 廉價出售;廉價銷售;廉價拋售;廉價變現的出售,廉價出售以求現款;Selling Abacus 賣算盤;


1.Short-selling is a trading strategy of selling borrowed stock in hopes it falls and can be repurchased at a lower price. 賣空是一種出售借入的股票、以期將來能以較低價格重新買入的交易策略。

2.The playscript of the film originated from best-selling novel"The Da Vinci Code". The background, the content, the hero and the heroine all have considerable selling points. 這部電影的劇本源自暢銷小說《達芬奇密碼》 電影無論背景 內容 男女主角 都有相當大的賣點。

3.Selling watermelons, selling watermelons, sweet watermelons, one a dime. 賣西瓜,賣西瓜,甜甜的大西瓜,一毛錢一個。

4.Selling guns is like selling vacuum cleaners. You make calls, pound the pavement, take orders. 賣槍就像賣吸塵器一樣,打電話,談價錢,處理訂單。

5.The old man is selling thread leading machine He is selling a kind of cheap and unsuitable smallware. 9《賣「引線器」的老人》老人賣的是,已經不適用且價格低廉的小商品。


Sure. We are thinking of a joint venture with you in selling Chinese arts. - 當然。我們正在考慮和你們公司合資經營一起賣中國工藝品。

And let Rita Mae do the selling at the boutique. - 而讓Rita Mae在時裝店裡負責銷售。

And I could do the selling and the pricing at the boutique. - 而我在時裝店裡負責銷售和標價。

He made a pretty fortune by selling all his land. - 他賣了所有的土地發了大財。

All these articles are best selling lines. - 所有這些產品都是我們的暢銷貨。

We think your Chunlan brand air conditioners will be selling well at this end and we are looking forward to receiving your samples soon. - 我們認為你方的春蘭牌空調機在這裡會很暢銷,希望很快收到你們的樣品。

You know that some countries are selling this kind of products at cheap prices in large quantities. - 您知道有的國家對這種商品正在削價拋售。

It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. - 據說每個人都靠出售某種東西來維持生活。

In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, - 根據這種說法,教師靠賣知識為生,哲學家靠賣智慧為生,

philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. - 牧師靠賣精神安慰為生。

The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches. - 向我兜售的第二個人是賣名貴鋼筆和手錶的。

It's selling well. - 賣得很好啊!

What are the selling points of your product? - 你們的銷售重點是什麼呢?

All these articles are best selling lines. - 所有這些產品都是我們的暢銷貨。

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