vtcabbr. 垂直製表字符(Vertical Tabulation Character);可變正時控制(Variable Timing Control)
vtc 垂直製表字符;可變正時控制;Virtual Training Company;Valiable Timing Control;VTC - 股東投票權信託證書;VTC VirtualTerminalAddressRegister 虛擬終端地址存儲器;VTC Valve Timing Control 氣門正時控制電磁閥;VTC Adobe Captivate 2 Captivate 2 教程;
1.For VTC students, click the "Student" link under the "Forgot your Password" item. [ more details. 重設學生密碼:請單擊「忘了密碼」下的「學生」連結。詳情可參閱這份文件。
2.During the year, 18 training boards and five general committees continued to help the VTC implement its training programmes. 年內,職業訓練局的18個訓練委員會和五個一般委員會繼續協助推行訓練計劃。
3.The New Technology Training Scheme administered by the VTC aims to facilitate the adoption of new technologies beneficial to Hong Kong industry and commerce. 新科技培訓計劃由職業訓練局負責推行,旨在協助本港工商業引進有助行業發展的新科技。