boded store BODED STORE 封關庫;department store store 百貨商店;bazaar drug-store drugstore gereral store grocer 雜貨店;bazaar drug-store drugstore gereral store grocer 雜貨店;bazaar drug-store drugstore gereral store grocer 雜貨店;
1.Comp Comprehensive layout or design (USA). 全面的佈置與設計(美)。
2.Comp:. We would rather receive money than the usual gifts. 寧可接受錢而不希望受到通常的禮物。
3.She encouraged me to comp a, re with the foreign tourists and see who was the first one to reach the top. 長城是舉世聞名的風景名勝,她鼓勵我,叫我和外國遊客一起比賽看誰能夠最先到達頂峰。
4.Never allow yourself to only play one build order in all situations and on all the maps because this will make you predictable and no better then a rusher comp. 不要在一切情況所有地圖上都按同一種順序建造,這樣對手很清楚你要幹什麼,除了速攻你還能幹什麼呢…
5.His bad English is a bar to his using new comp Love ter software. 他的英語很差,這是