n. battle royal ,scrimmage
melees['melei, mei'lei]n. 混戰,格鬥;互毆
1.If physical diseases are awesome, then mental melees makes one despondent like a zombie. 要是說身體的疾病令人畏懼,那麼心理的騷亂則讓人失魂落魄,彷彿行屍走肉。
2.And the thesis analysed factors of the effect on price of bonds, current affairs and melees by warlords had great effect on price of bonds mainly. 以中原大戰為例分析了影響公債價格漲落的因素,主要是時局與軍閥混戰對公債價格漲落的影響。
3.Tai-wan's legislature broke into another of its famous melees in late June when screaming opposition M. P. s tried to physically block the foreign minister from speaking. 台灣的立法院六月底再度上演早已聲名在外的互毆混戰戲碼,當時那些高聲嘶吼的立委試圖阻止外交部長上台。