





r. in the north ,northerly ,northward ,northwardsn. compass north ,due north ,northland ,union


a. south


north[nɔ:θ]n. 北,北方adj. 北方的;朝北的adv. 在北方,向北方


North 諾斯;諾思;北方;北,北方;North Africa 北非;北非地區;今非洲北部;北非洲;North Sea 北海;北面大海圖片;北海圖片;北海旅遊;North Korea 朝鮮;北韓;北朝鮮;原北朝鮮;North Ireland 北愛爾蘭;北愛爾蘭 來源:考試大;及北愛爾蘭地區;位於英國北愛爾蘭地區;


1.I like North, and prefer snow. 我喜歡北方,更喜歡白雪。

2.And now our friends from the north. 現在是我們來自北方的朋友。

3.You cannot say "north". And you cannot say "south". 你不能再說「北方」,也不能再說「南方」了。


OK. Right. Uh, We're at La Traviata restaurant in North Beach. - 是,對。我們在North Beach的La Traviata餐廳。

In North America when people meet each other for the first time. - 在北美,當人們第一次彼此見面時。

Wouldn't I love to be in North Carolina right now! - 我現在多麼想在北卡羅來納洲啊!

Would you consider going north this summer? - 你將考慮今年夏天向北去嗎?

Are most of the lakes located in the north central region? - 大多數湖位於向北中央的區域嗎?

The weather's often cold in North and windy in the East.It's often wet in the West,and sometimes warm in the south. - 北部的天氣常常寒冷,東部則常常利風。西部常下雨,南部有時則很暖和。

In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E.Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. - 美國探險家 R。伯德在飛越北極3年之後,於1929年第一次飛越了南極。

Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. - 因此,營救人員在礦井的北側鑽了一個洞。

So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. - 因此,聽說北海石油鑽井平台上的潛水員受到巨型魚類的恐嚇,確實很讓人吃驚。

Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, - 「泰坦尼克」起航後的第4天,它正行駛在北大西洋冰冷的海面上。

Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. - 華北、華南大部分地區將寒冷潮濕。

There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. - 淮河以北地區有一股強風。

Excuse me. Where's North Street Hospital, please? - 請問,北街醫院在哪兒?

Yes. North Street Hospital. - 對,北街醫院。

Excuse me, please! Which is the way to the North Street Hospital? - 請問,去北街醫院怎麼走?

It's about a time when there were black slaves in North America. It's about their fight for freedom. - (它)講的是有一段時期,北美洲存在黑奴。影片講述他們為自由而鬥爭的情況。

It's to the north of England; it's part of Britain. - 它位於蘇格蘭的北部,是不列顛的一部分。

They took with them dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato,and settled mainly in North Island where the weather was warmer. - 他們隨身帶去了狗、老鼠及像紅薯之類的植物,並且大部分定居在氣候比較溫暖的北島。

New Zealand is also home to about 170,000 Pacific Islanders from Oceania who have settled mainly in Auckland in North Island. - 新西蘭也是那些來自大洋諸島大約170,000島民的家園,他們大多定居在北島的奧克蘭。

Most of the cattle farming is in North Island. - 畜牧業大部分在北島。


north asian tick typhus; tick-borne thphus of north asia - 北亞蜱媒斑疹傷寒

north american anti-snake-bite serum; north american antivenomous serum - 北美洲抗蛇毒血清

north america blastomycosis - 北美芽生菌病

north wind - 北風

n. North Slope - 奧斯爐


n.印跡法 - northerm north

n.北亞蜱媒斑疹傷寒 - tick-borne thphus of north asia


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