n. os palatinum ,palatine bone ,palsgravea. palatal
palatine['pælətain]adj. 巴拉汀伯爵的;在領地享有王權的;上顎的n. 巴拉汀伯爵;宮廷官吏
palatine 女用皮圍巾;帕拉蒂尼;帕拉丁;帕拉丁山;palatine tonsil 顎扁桃體;顎扁桃腺;釋義:顎扁桃體;扁桃腺;palatine process 顎突;上顎突;釋義:顎突;palatine arches 顎弓;palatine suture 顎縫;釋義:顎(正中)縫;
1.Objective: To provide anatomical data for block anesthesia of anterior palatine nerver and superior posterior alveolar nerve. 目的:為顎前神經及上牙槽後神經等阻滯麻醉提供解剖學資料。
2.The tongue-and-groove articulation between the quadrangular cartilage and the maxillary and palatine crest deserves special mention. 特別值得一提的是四邊形的軟骨和上頜骨及顎脊之間的榫槽銜接。
3.The Palatine Hill has been giving up new finds for years, although much of the site is off limits to visitors and under threat of subsidence. 儘管帕拉蒂尼山的許多地方是禁止遊客進入而且有下陷坍塌的危險,數年來仍舊一直不斷有新的發現。
archus palstopharyngeus; arcus palatopharyngeus; posterior palatine arch - 後弓
lateral palatine process - 外側顎突
arcus palatini; palatine arches - 軟顎弓
顎升動脈 - ascending palatine artery
顎降動脈 - descending palatine artery
顎外靜脈 - external palatine vein
顎大動脈 - greater palatine artery
顎大管 - greater palatine canal
顎大孔 - greater palatine foramen
顎大溝 - greater palatine groove
顎大神經 - greater palatine nerve
n.外側顎突 - lateral palatine process
顎小動脈 - lesser palatine artery
顎小神經,顎後神經 - lesser palatine nerve
顎骨的上頜面 - maxillary surface of palatine bone
顎正中囊腫 - median palatine cyst
顎正中縫 - median palatine suture
n.後弓 - posterior palatine arch
顎橫脊 - transverse palatine ridge
顎上頜裂縫合 - transverse palatine suture