Puzzle Adventure 解秘冒險;a pretty pass corner deep end hot potato hot water how-d'ye-do jam lurch mess morass plight puzzle dom puzzledom rattrap scrape 困境;a pretty pass corner deep end hot potato hot water how-d'ye-do jam lurch mess morass plight puzzle dom puzzledom rattrap scrape 困境;puzzle bewilder perplex baffle 使迷惑:;Puzzle Bobble 泡泡龍;泡泡龍寶石戰;泡泡龍方塊;
1.It is like a jig-saw puzzle or a cross-word puzzle. As you start to put the pieces together or string the words together the full picture becomes clearer. 這就像是拼圖、或者填字遊戲那樣:當你把圖形一個一個拼起來、或是把單詞一一填進去,整個大局就會清晰。
2.KSudoku is a Sudoku puzzle game for KDE. Sudoku is a logic-based number placement game that you find in your daily newspapers, puzzle books, and online. 是KDE下的一個數獨遊戲,數獨是一個依靠邏輯推理的填數字的遊戲,您能夠在每天的報紙上,謎語書以及在線網站上找到它。
3.On board the tug puzzle game where you have to use our brains, will drag the boat ran aground in the water drag. A very innovative puzzle game. Recommended. 在拖船迷題這款遊戲裡你要開動腦筋,將拖擱淺的小船拖到水中。一款很新穎的益智遊戲。推薦。
4.You can customize the puzzle size, titles, backdrops, word search letters, labels and fonts. 你可以定制迷題大小、標題、背景、單詞搜索字母、標籤和字體。
5.They are made of continental rather than oceanic rock, and seem to be a small part of the jigsaw puzzle of continental drift rather than genuine oceanic islands. 他們是由大陸而不是海洋裡的岩石形成的,而且看上去就像是大陸漂移版塊中的一小部分,而不像天然的海島。
After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again. - 我買來一根新鏈條後,面臨的就是如何把這些令人眼花繚亂的拼板重新組裝起來。
I'm doing a word puzzle in this newspaper. - 我在猜報紙上的字謎。