azul[ɑ:'su:l]n. [美俚]警察
Azul 蔚藍;阿蘇爾;巴西藍色航空公司;藍色;AzulBahia 巴希亞藍;Azul Baia 紫羅蘭小花;NOCHE AZUL 蘭色的夜;樓齊阿蘇;蘭色旳夜;蘭色的夜.;Pajaro Azul 阿里郎;阿里朗;
1.Azul is already the country's third-biggest carrier, although it is still a long way behind the big two. 儘管還遠在兩個航空巨頭之後,Azul也早已是巴西第三大航空公司。
2.The corporate tax rate is lower than in America but Azul needs an army of accountants to pay it correctly. 巴西的公司稅率比美國低,但是Azul需要一支會計團隊來正確地支付。
3.The world famous "Gruta do Lago Azul" (Blue Lake Cave) is a natural monument whose interior is formed by stalactites, stalagmites and a huge and wonderful blue lake. 其中世界聞名的是藍色湖穴。這是一個天然的鐘乳石,石筍博物館,還有一種美麗奇異的藍色。