Up-Time 可使用時間;正常工作時間;正常操作時間;(設備)正常工作時間;up-time ratio 正常操作時間比;up-time efficiency 正常運行效率;MUT Mean Up-Time 平均正常使用時間;follow up the lead-time 跟進交付週期;
1.Make improve equipment performance plan and implement up-time. 制定設備性能改善計劃並實施。
2.The Seller guarantees 95% up-time for the Contract Equipment within the Warranty Period. 賣方保證在保修期間內合同設備有95%的工作時間。
3.Amid intense competition they are being forced to accept reduced revenue while at the same time are being called upon to provide higher network up-time and service levels. 一方面他們必須面對日益激烈的競爭,被迫承受著收益的降低;另一方面卻必須提供高質量的服務。對於保障服務而言,企業網絡的正常高效運行越發重要。