





r. astray ,widelya. broad ,encompassing ,spacious ,wide-eyed


a. narrow


wide[waid]adj. 廣泛的;寬的,廣闊的;張大的;遠離目標的adv. 廣泛地;廣闊地;充分地n. 大千世界


Wide 寬廣;寬廣,寬闊;行幅;寬度;WIDE OPEN 視野廣闊;寬闊視野;空曬;無人看管的射球;Wide laycan 長銷約期;Wide Angle 魚眼廣角鏡;廣角鏡;廣角鏡;廣角;being wide 開闊;開闊 下載;


1.The wide fields were full of music. 寬闊的田野到處都是音樂聲。

2.The wide sky is my daddy. 我的爸爸是廣闊的天空。

3.Objects on the data stack shall be one cell wide. 在資料堆疊上的物件必須是一個單元寬。


The gap is too wide to be filled. The largest cut we can offer is 5%. - 價格差距太大,我們最多降價5%。

We have a wide connection in U.S.A. - 我們在美國各地有廣泛業務關係。

Now that illiteracy is not so wide spread, people everywhere are free to enjoy great literature. - 現在文盲不是很普遍,世界各地的人都可以很自由地欣賞文學作品。

I have learned the most important language by meeting a wide range of people from different cultures. - 我接觸到許多來自不同文化的人,掌握了最重要的語言。

The student has a very wide range of interests. - 那個學生的興趣非常廣泛。

The pine tree has a very wide distribution. - 松樹的分佈很廣。

How wide is this bridge? - 這座橋有多寬?

Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? - 請您測量這扇窗戶看它有多寬?

This window is just as wide as that one. - 這扇窗戶就像那一個一樣寬。

We have a wide selection of sweaters that will appeal to all ages, and in particular the teenager market which you specified. - 我們有各種各樣適合各個年齡層次的羊毛衫,特別是您專門提到的青少年市場。

This window is just as wide as that one. - 這扇窗戶剛好和那扇一樣寬。

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards. - 婚前張開眼,婚後半閉月。

We informed him that the fissure extended for fifty years and was tow feet wide and four feet deep. - 我們告訴他那個大裂縫長50碼,寬2英尺,深4英尺。

He wore a small black hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked. - 他頭戴一頂小黑帽,身穿一條非常寬大的褲子,嘴上留著小鬍子,手提著一根他邊走邊在空中揮舞的手杖。

When the ship finally arrived in a port, the wooden cover was opened wide and Kunta could see in daylight for the first time across the part of the ship where he had been chained. - 當船終於到達一個港口時,木蓋打開了,孔塔這才第一次在日光下掃視了他被拴在那兒的那一部分船艙。


wide mouth specimen bottle - 大口標本瓶

wide mouth reagent bottle - 大口試劑瓶

wide angle collimator - 大角度準直器

n. wide bed type press brake - 寬冷床形壓力剎車

n. wide bed type oil hydraulic press brake - 寬冷床形油壓剎車

n. wide belt sander - 寬帶式研磨機

n. wide belt sander - 寬帶砂光機

n. wide bed type press brake - 寬座式壓彎板

n. wide bed type oil hydraulic press brake - 寬座式油壓壓彎機

panendoscope; wide vision cystoscope - 廣視野膀胱鏡

wide spread; widespread - 流傳廣的

wide pelvic plane - 骨盆擴大平面


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