r. savagely ,viciously
brutallyadv. 殘忍地;野蠻地;獸性地
brutally 獸性地;殘忍地,蠻橫地;殘忍地;獸性地, 殘酷地;Brutally Dedicated 野蠻的堅定;wielding absolute power brutally 以殘酷的手段實行極權統治;Be brutally murdered 被殘酷殺害;you brutally plunder my heart 你粗暴地掠走了我的心;
1.Why, many wonder, should the rigours of the market apply most brutally to those innocent of causing the catastrophe? 許多人想知道,為何市場規則用到那些並未引起災難的無辜者身上時,最為無情?
2.The scramble to open stores has made China a paradise for shoppers, but for shopkeepers it has become a brutally competitive market in which only the strong will survive. 零售商瘋狂的開店已經把中國變成了購物天堂,但店主們所面臨的競爭卻日益殘酷,因為他們明白只有強者才能生存。
3.It went to the extreme length of directly opposing the "brutally destructive" tendency of Communism, and of proclaiming its supreme and impartial contempt of all class struggles. 它發展到最後,就直接反對共產主義的「野蠻破壞的」傾向,並且宣佈自己是不偏不倚的超乎任何階級鬥爭之上的。