LEEDabbr. [物]低能電子衍射(Low Energy Electron Diffraction)
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design;低能電子衍射;能源與環境設計先鋒;能源與環境設計先鋒獎;LEED AP 專業人員;認證專家;LEED certification 環境設計認證;Leopold Leed 雷立柏;LEED Gold 綠色建築最高認證;綠色環保建築金獎;
1.The LEED Gold-registered building is expected to consume as much as 75% less energy than older campus structures. 這幢已註冊LEED金獎的建築,有望比那些較老的校園建築可節省多達75%的能量。
2.The architect team was initially targeting the building for LEED Silver, but in fact they are now pursuing LEED Gold. 建築師小組最初目標是讓該建築獲LEED銀獎,但他們現在實際上是在追求LEED金獎。
3.The building hosting the G20 is the world's first and largest LEED-certified (meaning green) convention centre and sits on the city's former red-light district. 舉辦G20的建築是世界上第一個也是最大的通過LEED認證(表示很環保)的會議中心,其位置以前是該市的紅燈區。