striae['straii:]n. 條紋;細溝
striae 條紋;腠理;細溝;紋;drag striae 拖曳條痕;ciliary striae 睫狀紋;striae keratopathy 釋義:條紋狀角膜病;striae gravidarum 妊娠紋;
1.The olive oil regarding eliminates the striae gravidarum is a good choice. 橄欖油對於消除妊娠紋是一個不錯的選擇。
2.lt helps the uterus after parturition recover to normal as soon as possible and dispel the striae of pregnancy gradually. 孕婦在生產後,使用腹帶可以幫助子宮較快恢復正常,逐漸消失妊娠紋。
3.But the root-knot nematodes are very small. And it was difficult to make slices about vulva striae of root-knot nematodes now. 由於根結線蟲的個體小,在進行會陰花紋的製片和顯微觀察時,常常遇到製作易敗,觀察模糊的現象,因而種類的正確鑒定受到較大影響。
medial olfactory striae; striae olfactoriae medialis - 內側嗅紋
lateral olfactory striae; striae olfactoria lateralis - 外側嗅紋
striae gravidarum; striae of pregnancy - 妊娠紋
striae transversae corporis callosi; wildes cord - 王爾德氏索
lineae ablicantes; striae albicantes - 白紋
ciliary striae; striae cilaris - 睫狀紋
medullary striae of fourth ventricle - 第四腦室髓紋
fibrae striae terminalis; fibres of terminal stria - 終紋纖維
striae distensae - 膨脹性萎縮紋
atrophic striae; striae atrophicae - 萎縮性紋
medullary striae of fourth ventricle; striae medullares ventriculi quarti - 髓紋
n.萎縮性紋 - atrophic striae
n.睫狀紋 - ciliary striae
n.終紋纖維 - fibrae striae terminalis
n.外側嗅紋 - lateral olfactory striae
n.內側嗅紋 - medial olfactory striae
n.第四腦室髓紋,髓紋 - medullary striae of fourth ventricle
n.肌腠 - muscular striae
n.紫紋 - pruple striae
n.紫色腹紋症 - purple abdominal striae
n.放射狀線紋 - radial striae
n.雷濟厄斯氏紋 - retzius striae