callaon. 卡亞俄(秘魯西部港市)
CALLAO 卡亞娥;卡亞俄 秘魯 南美;卡亞俄;卡亞俄 秘魯;Callao painter 喀勞霧;Callao fleece 卡亞俄美洲駝套毛;卡亞俄駱駝套毛(秘魯產);卡亞俄美洲駝套毛(秘魯);Callao Region 卡亞俄區域;callao rope 並泊防碰繩把;
1.Claudio originates from Callao, near the capital Lima, which is some 165 miles from the coastal province of Ica, where the earthquake was most strongly felt. 克勞迪奧生於首都利馬四周的卡拉奧,其距離震感最強的海岸地區伊卡大概有165公里。
2.Mr Garcia Belaunde hopes this will encourage further Chinese investment, especially in sorely needed transport infrastructure, such as at Callao and other ports. 加西亞
3.Officials in the coastal Peruvian province of Callao on Monday hailed the Guinea pig as a low cost, low fat alternative to a traditional turkey or roast pork Christmas dinner. 秘魯的沿海省份卡裡奧的官員在週一宣佈天竺鼠可以擺上聖誕餐桌來代替傳統的火雞或是烤豬。天竺鼠更加的便宜,而且脂肪含量較低。