a heart attack heart attack 心臟病發作;attack and counter-attack 交鋒:;激烈的爭論;sn-ignore-attack-group-under-attack 忽略被攻擊的攻擊部隊;air attack air raid an aerial attack 空襲;sn-ignore-attack-group-under-attack 忽略被攻擊的攻擊部隊;
1.Double Attack – quick two-shot attack doing a total of 10% heavy. This attack will happen every 10 seconds. 雙連擊—快速的雙射攻擊,造成10%的重型傷害。每10秒使用一次。
2.Skillful move pace can help playerrs get favorable distance and attack angle, break away from opponent's attack range and destroy opponent's attack attempt. 熟練的掌握步法技術就可以爭得有利的擊打角度和距離,可以有效地擺脫對手的擊打範圍,破壞對手攻勢。
3.Objective: To understand the Occur reason, attack way, attack object et al of the attack behavior and population characteristic of the psychosis patient be in hospital. 目的:瞭解住院精神病人攻擊行為的發生原因、攻擊方式、攻擊對像等特點和發生攻擊行為的患者人群特點,給臨床工作提供依據。
4.We do not have, at this point, specific, credible intelligence that there is an attack, a particular attack, focused on this country. 在這個意義上,我們並沒有具體的,可靠的智慧去斷定存在以這個國家為攻擊對象的特別襲擊。
5."Should North Korea attack, we will defeat the attack quickly and decisively, and end the fight on terms set by the alliance, " General Bell said. 貝爾將軍說:「一旦北韓進犯,我們會迅速將他們擊敗,取得決定性的勝利,並根據我們的停戰條件結束戰事。」
Well, I almost had a heart attack a few moments ago. - 好啦,我幾乎要得心臟病了。
My uncle had a heart attack last year. - 我的叔叔去年患了心臟病。
It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. - 她剛看見它,它就立刻逃走了。專家證實,美洲獅非被逼得走投無路,是決不會傷人的。
secondary attack rate - 二代發病率
affection by cold; attack of cold; exogenous febrile disease or affection by cold; typhia; typhoid; typhoid fever - 傷寒
first seizure of a disease; fulminating disease; sudden attack of a serious illness - 卒病
membrane attack complex; membraneattackcomplex - 即補體的殺傷分子
attack of taiyang channel by wind - 太陽中風
headache due to the attack of cold-evil - 寒逆頭痛
aphonia after an attack of infantile convulsion - 驚退而喑
prevent recurrence of malaria; preventing attack of malmria; preventing attack or recurrence of malaria - 截瘧
sudden attack of high fever - 暴熱
epilepsy with sudden onset; sudden attack of a serrious illness; sudden illness - 暴病
membrane attack complex; membraneattackcomplex - 次膜複合物
attack of the heart by reained fluid; attack of the heart by retained fluid - 水氣凌心
atack of water and cold on the lung; attack of water and cold on the lung - 水寒射肺
attack of pathogenic warm on the upper-jiao - 溫邪上受
attack of pathogenic warm on the lung - 溫邪犯肺
attack of pericardum by heat; attak of xue system by heat - 熱入心包
severe attack of toothache - 牙痛的劇烈發作
attack straight into - 直中
direct attack on the three yin channels; direct attack or the three yin channels - 直中三陰
attack straight into - 直入
secondary attack rate - 續發率
n. attack kinetics - 起化學反應功能
tachypnea due to attack of pathogenic wind-cold - 風寒喘急
attack of wind-cold on thelung; wind-cold pathogen tightening the lung - 風寒束肺
acute asthmatic attack in children - 馬脾風
n.急性焦慮發作 - acute anxiety attack
n.馬脾風 - acute asthmatic attack in children
n.急性發作 - acute attack
狹心症發作 - anginal attack
n.驚退而喑 - aphonia after an attack of infantile convulsion
n.氣喘發作 - asthmatic attack
氣息起聲 - breathy attack
腦缺血發作 - cerebral ischemia attack
n.去大腦強直髮作 - decerebrate figidity attack
n.直中三陰 - direct attack on the three yin channels
n.直中三陰 - direct attack or the three yin channels
子癇發作 - eclamptic attack
n.親電子攻擊 - electrophilic attack
痛風發作 - gouty attack
硬發作 - hard attack
n.心臟病發作 - have a heart attack
n.寒逆頭痛 - headache due to the attack of cold-evil
n.心臟病發作 - heart attack
熱休克 - heat attack
n.發作史 - history of attack
n.反覆發作史 - history of repeated attack
低血糖發作 - hypoglycemic attack
n.發作強度 - intensity of attack
n.間歇性發作 - intermittent attack
局部缺血性發作 - ischemic attack
n.次膜複合物,即補體的殺傷分子 - membrane attack complex
n.核襲擊 - nuclear attack
麻痺發作 - paralytical attack
n.週期性發作 - periodic attack
n.週期性發作 - periodical attack
n.攻擊點,侵襲點 - point of attack
壓迫性發作 - pressed attack
n.截瘧 - preventing attack of malmria
n.截瘧 - preventing attack or recurrence of malaria
n.精神運動性發作 - psychomotor attack
n.心臟病發作後的復原 - recovery fom a heart attack
n.反覆發作 - repeated attack
n.二代發病率,續發率 - secondary attack rate
n.間歇性反覆發作 - septal repeated attack
n.牙痛的劇烈發作 - severe attack of toothache
平靜發作 - soft attack
n.發作期 - stage of attack
n.突然發作 - sudden attack
n.卒病 - sudden attack of a serious illness
n.暴病 - sudden attack of a serrious illness
n.暴熱 - sudden attack of high fever
暈厥發作 - syncopal attack
n.風寒喘急 - tachypnea due to attack of pathogenic wind-cold
補劑侵襲 - tonic attack
n.短暫性缺血性發作,一過性缺血發作 - transient ischemic attack