





n. sample distribution ,samplingv. taste ,try ,try out


Sample['sɑ:mpl, 'sæ-]vt. 取樣;嘗試;抽樣檢查n. 樣品;樣本;例子adj. 試樣的,樣品的;作為例子的


sample 樣品;辦 樣板;聲音信號樣品,採樣,取樣,抽樣;樣板;sample size 樣本大小;樣本含量;試樣量;樣本量,樣本大小;sample order 指樣訂貨;定樣貨;樣品;照樣品定貨;colour sample 色樣;色彩樣品;彩色樣品;Sample rate 採樣率;採樣頻率;採樣速率;取樣率;


1.I like to sample a life in the country. 我想體驗一下鄉村生活。

2.This sample is gratis. 這樣品是免費的。

3.Very high quality sample rate conversion. 極高質量的改變採樣率。


Where's a good place to sample the local cuisine? - 在哪兒能品嚐到本地的風味食品?

The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided. - 你們交貨的羊毛衫和我廠提供的樣品不一致。

so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. - 因此時常要用取芯鑽頭取樣。

Could I have this sample free of charge? - 這樣品可以免費送我嗎?


permissible sample size - 允許試樣量

crossed sample collection - 十字交叉採樣法

sample collector; sample thief; samplecollector; sampler - 取樣器

n. core sample from boring - 巖心鑽孔採樣

sample drawing; sampling; specimen - 抽樣

maximum allowable sample size - 最大允許試樣量

sample processing unit - 標本處理單位

sample changer - 樣品交換器

n. sample maps - 樣品圖

sample collectiontube - 樣品收集管

sample bottle - 樣品瓶

n. sample grinder - 樣品磨機

sample cell - 樣品管

sample can - 樣品罐

automatic sample changer - 樣品自動更換器

sample cell - 樣品試池

sample channel atio - 樣品道比

sample median - 樣本中位數

sample central moment - 樣本中心矩

sample distribution - 樣本分佈

sample content - 樣本含量

sample mean - 樣本平均數

sample standard deviation - 樣本標準差

sample rate - 樣本率

sample dispersion - 樣本離差

sample arithmetic mean - 樣本算術均數

sample range - 樣本範圍

sample size - 樣本量

sample gas - 樣氣

gas sample tube; gas sampling tube - 氣體採樣管

sample injection; sampleinjection - 注射試樣

application of sample; applicationofsample; sample application; spotting; n. spotting - 點樣

sample applicator - 點樣器

powder sample plate - 粉狀樣品板

n. sample reduction - 縮樣

automatic sample changer - 自動淬滅補償

automatic sample handling system - 自動進樣系統

sample light beam - 試樣光束

sample condensation - 試樣冷凝

sample streaker - 試樣劃痕器

sample recovery - 試樣回收

sample loss - 試樣損耗

sample probe - 試樣探針

sample collection - 試樣收集

sample collector; samplecollector - 試樣收集器

sample spot - 試樣斑

sample evaporation; sample gasification; sampleevaporation - 試樣氣化

sample evaporation; sampleevaporation - 試樣汽化

sample evaporator - 試樣汽化器

sample evaporation chamber - 試樣汽化室


n.分析樣品 - analytic sample

n.分析樣品 - analytical sample

n.點樣,加樣 - application of sample

n.含水試樣 - aqueous sample

n.平均組合樣品 - average composite sample

n.平均樣品 - average sample

n.可信樣品,真實樣品 - authentic sample

n.樣品自動更換器,自動淬滅補償 - automatic sample changer

n.自動進樣系統 - automatic sample handling system

生體試樣 - biological sample

生檢樣品 - biospy sample

空樣,空白樣本 - blank sample

血樣 - blood sample

n.校準試樣 - calibration sample

n.核對樣品 - check sample

n.複雜試樣 - complex sample

n.併合試樣 - composite sample

n.十字交叉採樣法 - crossed sample collection

粗試樣 - crude sample

n.排出的試樣 - drain sample

n.無水試樣,無水樣品 - dry-out sample

n.試樣流出閥 - effluent sample valve

電鍍樣品 - electroplated sample

n.靜電試樣收集阱 - electrostatic sample collection trap

n.膠囊試樣 - encapsulating sample

糞便樣品 - fecal sample

n.氣體採樣管 - gas sample tube

毛髮樣品 - hair sample

n.不均勻試樣,多相試樣 - heterogeneous sample

違法海洛因樣品 - illicit heroin sample

不完全循環樣品 - imperfect circulating sample

n.間接進樣法 - indirect sample introduction method

n.個別液體樣 - individual liquid sample

n.個別試樣 - individual sample

工業衛生樣極 - industrial hygiene sample

n.惰性試樣 - inert sample

n.無限厚樣品 - infinite thick sample

n.內標試樣 - internal standard sample

n.不揮發性試樣 - involatile sample

n.已知試樣,已知樣品 - known sample

n.地區群體樣本 - local population sample

n.常量試樣 - macro sample

n.最大允許試樣量 - maximum allowable sample size

n.中間樣品 - meso sample

n.中間試樣 - middle sample

n.混合試樣 - mixed sample

n.非極性試樣 - non-polar sample

n.非重複性試樣 - non-reproducible sample

n.法定試樣,法定樣品 - official sample

n.允許試樣量 - permissible sample size

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