n. chari ,chari river ,shari river
sharin. 莎麗(女子名)
shari 舍利;女兒莎麗;河和沙立;斜裡;Shari Arison 莎麗·阿里森;Shari District 斜裡郡;Shari Redstone 雷石東;雷德斯通;Shari Spiegel 雪瑞·施皮格爾;
1.Dear brother in Islam, we are impressed by your question, which shows how concerned you are to abide by the Shari'ah in all details of your life. 親愛的伊斯蘭兄弟,你的問題為我們留下了深刻印象,它展現了你對生活中方方面面遵守沙利亞的關心。
2.As far as Islamic Shari'ah is concerned, it is absolutely permissible to assign a woman in an Islamic Center or mosque to educate women regarding their religion. 根據伊斯蘭的教法而言,完全允許指派一位婦女在一個伊斯蘭中心或清真寺去為婦女提供有關她們信仰方面的教育。
3.Although the main line of business of these companies is permissible, you need to add all these side activities and the Shari'ah incompatible activities together. 雖然這些公司的主營商業是允許的,你需要把這些附帶業務以及與沙裡亞衝突的事物全部算在一起。