





symptomsn. 症狀;症候;病徵


symptoms 病症;症狀;病徵;症狀:萎靡不振,溶血性貧血;clinical symptoms 臨床特徵;臨床症狀;positive symptoms 正性症狀;陽性症狀;正向症狀;釋義:陽性症狀;Extrapyramidal Symptoms 錐體外系症狀;外症狀;釋義:錐體外系症狀;constitutional symptoms 全身症狀;


1.What are swine flu symptoms? 豬流感的症狀是什麼?

2.Yes. You have to examine the incision for any unusual symptoms every day. 有的,你必須每天檢查手術傷口是否有不正常的症狀。

3.Improve blood lipid metabolism, lower cholesterol, improve the symptoms of diabetes. 改善血脂代謝、降低膽固醇,改善糖尿病症狀。


I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. - 脾氣暴躁和食慾旺盛。


three kinds of postpartum symptoms of exhaustion - 三脫

onvulsion with symptoms of three yin channels - 三陰痙

three kinds of postpartum symptoms of exhaustion - 產後三脫

specific symptoms in childhood - 兒童特種症狀

the symptoms of upward surges - 向上衝逆病症

manifestations of disease; symptoms and signs - 病侯

symptoms and signs of a disease - 病候

disorder; symptoms of the illness - 病症

symptoms and signs of a disease - 病證

symptoms of excess in extreme deficiency - 至虛有盛侯

symptoms of excess in extreme deficiency - 至虛有盛候

parasitosis with symptoms similar to epilepsy - 蟲病似癇

differentiation of symptoms and signs - 辯證

heat symptoms caused by an exopathogen; pathogenic heat; same as heat-evil - 邪熱


n.段除症狀,戒斷症狀 - abstinence symptoms

n.兼證 - accompanying symptoms

n.急性毒性症狀 - acute toxic symptoms

n.臨床症狀 - clinical symptoms

n.真寒假熱 - cold syndrome with pseudo-heat symptoms

n.全身症狀 - constitutional symptoms

n.真虛假實 - deficiency in reality with pseudo-excess symptoms

n.辯證 - differentiation of symptoms and signs

自驗例證 - example of one's own experimental symptoms

n.真實假虛 - excess in reality with pseudo-deficiency symptoms

n.錐體外系症狀 - extrapyramidal symptoms

一級症狀 - first order symptoms

n.第一階段症狀 - first rank symptoms

四症狀疾病 - four symptoms disease

n.邪熱 - heat symptoms caused by an exopathogen

n.真熱假寒 - heat syndrome with pseudo-cold symptoms

嗎啡復合制劑 - morphine withdrawal symptoms

n.三陰痙 - onvulsion with symptoms of three yin channels

n.蟲病似癇 - parasitosis with symptoms similar to epilepsy

n.假熱症 - pseudo-heat symptoms

n.體征和症狀,徵象 - signs and symptoms

n.兒童特種症狀 - specific symptoms in childhood

n.聯合屈曲症狀 - synergic flexion symptoms

n.全身毒性症狀 - systemic toxic symptoms

n.主體症狀,主症 - the main symptoms

n.向上衝逆病症 - the symptoms of upward surges

n.產後三脫,三脫 - three kinds of postpartum symptoms of exhaustion

n.段除症狀,戒斷症狀 - withdrawal symptoms

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