vocalityn. 聲樂,聲音;發音的性質
vocality 聲樂;發聲能力;
1.Fold vocalists may abide by the rules of decent articulation, phonating with words and binding vocality and affection together when they are performing. 字正腔圓、以字行腔、聲情並茂是民族聲樂演唱者必須遵守的法則。
2.Competence of singing is the basic and important quality to a singer, and it is also the premise and guarantee that make sure vocality performance be successful. 歌唱能力是歌唱者的重要素質,也是聲樂表演想要獲得成功的前提和保障。
3.The theory of vocality develops from purely technique skill study to physiological study and further psychological research, which is the only way of vocality theory study. 聲樂理論由僅僅是技術技巧的研究,發展到生理研究,進而發展到心理研究,這是聲樂理論研究的必由之路。