





v. bruise ,hurt ,injure ,offendn. combat injury ,injury ,lesion ,wounding


wound[waund]n. 創傷,傷口vt. 使受傷vi. 受傷,傷害


wound 創傷,傷口;創傷;創傷,創口;傷口;wound rotor 繞線轉子;線繞轉子;繞線型轉子;繞線端子;incised wound 切創;刀傷;切割傷;割傷;Wound Healing 創傷癒合;傷口癒合;創傷修復,癒合;bullet wound 槍彈創;槍彈傷;彈傷;子(槍)彈傷;


1.If hurt, it licks the wound. 如果它受傷了,它會舔傷口。

2.Collagen fibers appear in the wound. 在傷口中出現了膠原纖維。

3.A wound you think you deserved is a wound that cannot heal. 一個你認為你應得的傷痕,是你永遠無法治癒的。


I've never seen you so wound up. - 我從來沒有看過你這麼緊張。

The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. - 重傷可治,臭名難除。

Though the wound be healed yet a scar remains. - 創傷可癒合,傷疤猶留存。

When the wound is healed, the pain is forgotten. - 好了傷疤忘了痛。

The doctor examined the soldier's wound carefully. - 大夫仔細檢查了戰士的傷口。

The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent! - 那小溪彎彎曲曲穿過田野,然後正好從他們的帳篷底下流過去。

He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. - 他發現了纏繞在16,000伏高壓線上的一條死蛇。

The snake then wound itself round the wires. - 於是蛇就纏住了幾根電線。

and mechanical systems like a wound watch, or the sun, - 像上緊發條的手錶那樣的機械裝置,或太陽,

One man had a head wound and was in pain. - 有一個人頭部受了傷,非常痛苦。


open wound or rupture of the scrotum - 傷破陰子

the wound opened under the strain - 傷口崩開了

wound healing - 傷口癒合

wound dressing - 傷口敷料

The wound did not fester - 傷口未潰

wound dehiscence - 傷口裂開

surficial wound contaminaton - 體表傷口污染

wound of entry; woundofentry - 入口創傷

wound of lateral and medial malleoli - 內外踝傷

exit; outlet; wound of exit - 出口

injury; ound; trauma; vulnus; wound; wound of exit - 創傷

wound cambium - 創傷形成層

shock vulneralis; traumatic shock; wound shock - 創傷性休克

traumatic fever; traumatopyra; wound fever - 創傷性熱

wound infection - 創傷感染

wound cork - 創傷木栓

traumatin; trraumatic acid; wound hormone - 創傷激素

wound irrigation syringe - 創口沖洗器

edge of wound; wound margin - 創緣

wound dege scissors - 創緣剪

wound clip - 創緣夾

wound clip removing forceps - 創緣夾拆除鉗

wound clip forceps - 創緣夾縫合鑷

closed wound operation - 創面手術

wound rate - 受傷率

suture of perforating wound of oral cavity - 口腔穿通傷縫合術

incised wound of larynx - 喉切傷

stab wound of larynx - 喉刺傷

wound dressing - 填瘡

entrance wound of bullet - 射入口

exit wound of bullet - 射出口

wound of sclera - 鞏膜創傷

perforating; wound of sclera - 鞏膜穿通傷

wound hormone - 愈傷激素

traumatic acid; traumaticacid; wound hormone - 愈傷酸

hand injury; wound of the hand - 手傷

wound or injury produced by heavy - 打傷

wound by the strice of animals; wound caused by the strike of animals horn - 牴觸傷

promoting wound healing - 斂瘡

perforated wound of eyeball - 真睛破損

wound of important acupoint - 穴道傷

wound of entry; woundofentry - 穿入傷口

wound of exit - 穿出傷口

lacerated wound of tendon and muscle - 筋斷傷

wound infection of thoracic wall - 胸壁創口感染

soft tissue wound of chest wall - 胸壁軟組織創傷

wound dehis cence of abdomen - 腹部傷口裂開

closed wound suction - 閉合式創口吸引

non-perforating wound of sclera - 非穿通性鞏膜傷

enertrating wound of posterior cranial fossa - 顱後窩穿通傷


n.致命傷 - a fatal wound

n.意外傷 - accidental wound

n.肛瘺切除縫合術 - anal fistulectomy with primary closure of wound

n.創角 - angle of wound

n.敷用藥膏於傷處 - application of stalve to a wound

n.箭鏃傷 - arrow wound

無菌傷口 - aseptic wound

n.撕脫傷 - avulsed wound

n.咬傷 - bite wound

n.盲管傷 - blindgut wound

n.開放性氣胸 - blowing wound

n.彈擦傷 - bullet splash wound

槍傷 - bullet wound

n.烙傷 - cauterizing wound

n.顱腦貫通傷 - cerebral penetrating wound

n.顱腦穿破傷 - cerebral perforating wound

n.迴旋槍傷 - circumferential gunshot wound

n.剪創 - clip wound

n.創面手術 - closed wound operation

n.閉合式創口吸引 - closed wound suction

污染傷口 - contaminated wound

挫傷 - contused wound

n.顱腦火器傷 - craniocerebral firearm wound

n.切傷 - cut wound

致命傷 - death wound

n.顱腦傷清創術 - debridement of craniocerebral wound

深傷 - deep wound

防護傷口 - defence wound

n.反跳槍彈傷,屈折槍創 - deflected gunshot wound

n.切口裂開,傷口崩裂 - disruption of wound

n.敷裹傷口 - dress one's wound

n.刀創藥 - drug for incised wound

n.創緣 - edge of wound

n.顱後窩穿通傷 - enertrating wound of posterior cranial fossa

射入口,射入傷口 - entrance wound

n.射入口 - entrance wound of bullet

n.刺入口 - entry of stab wound

刺入傷口,射入口 - entry wound

表皮創傷治癒 - epidermal wound healing

n.相度損傷 - examination of wound

n.刺出口 - exit of stab wound

射出口,射出傷口 - exit wound

n.射出口 - exit wound of bullet

致命傷 - fatal wound

n.偽傷 - favricated wound

n.皮肉之傷,輕傷 - flesh wound

n.創底 - floor of wound

新鮮傷口 - fresh wound

肉芽傷 - granulating wound

n.胸壁肉芽創面 - granulation of thoracic wound


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